Becoming a PhD candidate in Berlin: Data Science Research at HEIBRiDS and the Max Delbrück Center

PD Dr. Eirini Kouskoumvekaki

Coordinator HEIBRiDS – Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin School in Data Science (Germany)

Eirini Kouskoumvekaki is coordinator of the Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science (HEIBRiDS).

HEIBRiDS is a joint graduate program in Data Science of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and the Helmholtz Association. Established in 2018, HEIBRiDS is an interdisciplinary program that trains young scientists in Data Science applications within a broad range of natural science domains, spanning from Earth & Environment, Astronomy, Space & Planetary Research to Geosciences, Materials & Energy and Molecular Medicine. When it comes to Molecular Medicine in particular, the Max Delbrück Center, besides being the HEIBRiDS coordinator, has Data Science and Artificial Intelligence as one of the emerging cross-cutting focus areas in its research portfolio (

"In my talk, I will present HEIBRiDS along with a couple of examples from current PhD projects and I will describe how you can become a PhD student with us. In addition, I will give an overview of the current research activities within Data Science at the Max Delbrück Center."