© 2024 Joe Yu Studio.
> Swing Jazz Vibe, Hunting Action!
The game features a side-view action combat focused on boss battles.
Boss monsters move to the rhythm of the music, with attacks, jumps, movements, and backgrounds changing to match the original soundtrack.
Players don’t have to move to the beat, but understanding the music helps counter the monsters’ attack patterns.
> Chasing Wanted Monster!
> Craft weapons from the loot!
On the map, each monster has a unique way of fleeing—track them down, claim high bounties, and use the loot to craft new weapons!
What is Katuba's Poacher?
Katuba's Poacher is a Boss Rush Action Game featuring Jazz rhythm Music and Cartoon style Art!
Boss monsters move to the music, with attacks, jumps, movements, and backgrounds changing to match the unique soundtrack.
Players don’t have to move to the beat, but understanding the music helps counter the monsters attack patterns.
Who developed this game?
The demo version is developed solo by Joe Yu (유영조). Some of the BGM, sound effects, and graphics are outsourced
What languages are supported?
The demo currently supports English, Korean, and Japanese, with additional translations under consideration.
Can I stream, make videos, or create fan works for this game?
Absolutely! Creators make fan works, stream gameplay, create videos, and even monetize their content.
You can also share and promote your works on social media and within communities.
If you want to promote your creations further, feel free to reach out to us at joe_yu@katuba-poacher.com
How can I report bugs or provide feedback?
You can report issues or send suggestions through the Steam Discussions page or our Discord server.
Alternatively, feel free to contact us at joe_yu@katuba-poacher.com
> About Developer
To Be Update
Prototype Developed
Winner, BurningBeaver 2022 🏆
Demo Release
KOCCA Game Planning Grant
536% Crowdfunded
Winner, DICIA Indie Game Contest 2023 🏆
Winner, BurningBeaver 2023 🏆
Winner, GLS 2023 🏆
KOCCA Game Planning Grant
(34126) 207, 2nd floor Building B, 20, Daedeok-daero 512, Yuseong, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
> Press Kit
Aticle & Interview
한 Game About, 밝고 신나는 콘서트 같은 게임 ‘카투바의 밀렵꾼’ 인터뷰
한 Game About, 2023년이 기대되는 인디게임 2선
日 Indie Freaks, 日本語対応を心から願う! お気に入りタイトル5選
한 Inven, [체험기] 한 편의 콘서트처럼 경쾌한 액션 게임 '카투바의 밀렵꾼'
EN GDevelop, Interviewing Katuba's Poacher Developer Joe Yu
EN GDevelop, Going to a Game Expo as a GDevelop Game Developer: Joe Yu
한 경향 게임즈, 유영조, 신나는 액션게임 ‘카투바의 밀렵꾼’ 출품
한 This Is Game, 닌텐도가 소울라이크를 만들었다면, 이런 느낌일까요?
한 CEO 저널, 보스 러시 게임 ‘카투바의 밀렵꾼’
한 Game Meca, 리듬게임인듯 로그라이크인듯, 카투바의 밀렵꾼