Astanite Imperial Archive: Directory 

"Of the utmost importance, and the highest order of patriotism to our empire, is the maintenance of this archive. Look in every direction, and tell me what you see now that Hupasiya's weapon has trapped the ten stars. I'll tell you, if you're all too afraid: the fall of the greatest society since the time of the ancients, and the beginning of a dark age. Not a single one of us can say how long this dark age will last. We're historians, archivists, technicians—we aren't experts in sector psychology or a force of great influence who can dictate the terms of this dark age. However, this archive gives us a chance to do a duty greater than any other. If this dark age follows the trends of history, our empire is about to become host to countless empires, Saidonian and alien, and it is impossible to say who will rise to the greatest prominence in the passage of centuries. Our archive possesses the tools to not only help whatever empire rises out of the ashes, but the tools to offer this archive to all, free of discrimination. We are the single greatest preservers of the Astanite memory, and we must continue our duty to maintain what is soon to become past, and ensure our agents are prepared to preserve all that is ahead."

—Director Katazili: Dialogue of Collapse 


The Astanite Imperial Archive serves as the combined database of all knowledge, past and present, relative to the fallen holdings of the Astanite Empire. Here, all sector information will be presented in relative section headers for your understanding. These section headers are under the following categories: Regional, Warfare, Map, Lore and Code. Some of these categories are self explanatory, while others are not. Regional concerns itself with a broad scope of introductions to core mechanics behind our setting, and establishing you mechanically in our community. Warfare concerns itself with how we conduct stellar warfare and terrestrial warfare, and the elaborate system which supports war. Map concerns itself with the various maps we need to use in order to navigate our setting, such as political maps and resource maps, as well as the list and icons of nations present on those maps. Lore concerns itself with the setting in its roleplay roots, from history and unique features to the species present in the sector. Code concerns itself with rules on community and roleplay conduct and content, as well as an FAQ. Imperium concerns itself with resources specific to community affairs, and hosts administration information as well as the archive of our forum presence. 

This directory is pinned to the regional page as a central point in order to navigate to any page of importance, though on every page you will find a directory on the left and a link to the regional discord on the right. Both of these are essential to functioning in our community. The entries on this directory are many in number, some of which share a single factbook space with anchors to direct any patron to where they so seek, while others are independent in presence. All patrons are advised heavily to read every entry, and to focus their efforts especially on those which have the most pressing details pertaining to mechanics. 

All answers you may seek can be found in these entries, or through these entries. Use this directory wisely, and patiently, and you will succeed. When all else fails, turn to your community for answers, but not before seeking the answers yourself on the directory.