Katana Of Rin

A samurai girl 2D Action RPG



In the shadow of the towering cherry blossom trees of a samurai village, where every whirlwind of wind carried stories of honor and courage, there lived a girl with an unquenchable dream of becoming the greatest samurai. Chosen by fate, she was marked by an invisible sign that awakens an ancient evil. Suddenly, the village was shrouded in horror when darkness in the face of evil spirits fell upon it, absorbing everything light and good. Amid the flames and chaos, the girl fled, pursued by the bone scaffolds of skeletons, their steps as merciless as their deadly intent.

During the years of wanderings and trials, grief and loss forged her soul into steel, and her grievances turned into a sword thirsting for justice. Growing up, she gained skill and strength, surpassing the samurai of her time, and now, as a skilled warrior, she was ready to return and restore justice. Her path will be long, strewn with levels, each of which will test her strength, skill and spirit. From dark forests and lost temples to frozen mountain peaks, her sword will cut through the darkness, driven by one desire: retribution.

Thus begins the epic about a samurai girl who will become a legend. Her story is one of confronting one's fears, overcoming adversity, and always striving for the light that always shines in the shadows of the darkest trials.

 G A L E R Y


Embark on a journey in KATANA OF RIN, a visually stunning 2D RPG where tradition collides with darkness. A lonely girl with the heart of a warrior and the dream of becoming the greatest samurai confronts an ancient evil.


Deep Character Development: Unlock powerful skills, use powerful moves, and adapt your attributes to your playstyle.

Challenging Levels: Travel through a variety of carefully crafted locations, each with their own challenges and story.

Puzzles and secrets. Use your wits to solve challenging puzzles and discover hidden paths that reward exploration.

Dynamic Combat System: Experience fluid combat that combines precision and timing with critical decisions.

Grappling Hook Mechanic: Navigate terrain with the agility of a cat using your trusty grappling hook.

Stealth Mode: Take the silent route and evade enemies using stealth tactics and deadly ambushes.

Shuriken Mastery: Use an arsenal of shuriken to distract, confuse, or destroy enemies.

Rich Storyline: Immerse yourself in a gripping story of courage, overcoming darkness, and relentlessly pursuing the light, no matter what.

In KATANA RIN, every blow tells a story, every battle shapes a legend. It's more than a game; it is an odyssey of the samurai's will against the echoes of folklore. Follow Rin's path and forge your path to revenge and glory. 

Your legacy awaits.


Write an email to  smbusinessitaly@gmail.com
