Monologue, found footage, 1"27

For the past few years, we have been witnessing the discussion on the issue of representation in the media, especially regarding historically marginalized groups.

As a white cis woman, I am not exactly underrepresented, though misrepresentation is still a problem.

There is also the matter of identifying with the character.

Personally, I have discovered, I have a problem watching a movie or a tv series if there is not at least one character I can identify with on some level.

At a first glance, the Monologue is a conversation between different individuals. They engage in a bit of an argument but try to support each other at the same time.

However, for the purpose of this video, I have selected only characters with whom I identify (or identified at some stage of my life). Their statements are expressions of my own worries and fears; their interactions are akin to self-talks. In a way, they are all me - or at least, they are how I perceive myself.