Kaskaskia District of student councils

s o u t h w e s t e r n    i l l i n o i s


Welcome to the KDSC website

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 --------------------------------------------------------------KDSC NEWS UPDATES----------------------------------------------------------------

A Message from our state president

Coming soon!!


Student council is one of the easiest ways for students to get involved in their communities and grow into their leadership potential. Student council gives kids opportunities to step into leadership roles that they may not have received in other clubs. Members learn important life skills needed in their adult lives, and develop great communication skills amungst peers and associates. 

S E R V I C E  P R O J E C T S

One of the pillars of student council is giving back through service and compassion. Each year, our member high schools partake in tons of service projects to benefit their communites and schools. Everything from throwing homecoming and prom dances, to volunteering at blood drives and 5K's, to collecting items and fundraising for local charities. 


In student council, students learn how to collaborate with not only their peers and fellow members, but also with outside community members. Kids learn that most successes happen through the help of many people, not just one person. Student council teaches its members time management skills, and promotes creativity amungst a team of people. 


 M E M B E R      O P I N I O N S

"Running for student council was the best decision I made when I came to high school. I have met so many amazing people and learned how good it feels to know you are making a difference in your school and community!"

Anna Rudolf

s e n i o r

"I love student council because it has helped me become more social and I have met so many friends through all that we do. I have also learned what it takes to be a good leader and how to work well with other people."

Kate Easton

j u n i o r

"Student council has been one of the most beneficial experiences of my high school career so far. I made so many great friends, and felt more confident and capable to step up into leadership roles through the structure of stuco!

Olivia Eiskant

s e n i o r

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