The quality of the syllabus is a fairly reliable indicator of the quality of teaching and learning that will take place in a course (Woolcock, 2003). Therefore, it behooves instructors to make the effort to construct a high-quality syllabus. The results of that effort can benefit the instructor as well as his or her students.

A syllabus lets students know what the course is about, why the course is taught, where it is going, and what will be required for them to be successful in the course (Altman & Cashin, 2003). By clearly communicating expectations, instructors can circumvent a whole host of student grievances and misunderstandings during the semester. It also shows students that you take teaching seriously (Davis, 1993). Finally, remember that your syllabus may be some students' first exposure to your course, and its contents may determine whether or not they take the course.

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Note: All instructors of courses at the University of Illinois are expected to provide a syllabus to their students clearly stating expectations for student learning outcomes.

A syllabus should make the rules for the course clear. It should set forth what is expected to happen during the semester, delineate the responsibilities of students and of the instructor, and describe appropriate procedures and course policies. To do this, a syllabus should include the following:

A syllabus should serve accountability and documentation functions. It should document what was covered in a course, at what level, and for what kind of credit. Such a syllabus contains information useful for evaluation of instructors, courses, and programs, and can thus be useful in course equivalency transfer situations, accreditation procedures, and articulation. To do this, a syllabus should include the following:

A syllabus should help students become more effective learners in the course. While many of these items are not required for syllabi at Illinois, adding them can greatly improve students' ability to learn the material. To do this, a syllabus should include the following:

For those enrolled in the course, a detailed syllabus will be provided by the Instructor at the beginning of the term. Please keep in mind that not all courses are offered every year. Consult Webster for scheduling information.

All courses are "for credit" unless otherwise noted. All syllabi are deemed correct as of writeDate();; however, students are advised to review the current syllabus in the course shell, when available, and make a copy for their records.

Your syllabus gives students a first impression about what to expect from your course and fosters their curiosity and interest. A comprehensive syllabus helps you to structure and articulate your course expectations in support of student learning.

The syllabus is not limited to these required and recommended components. See Resource Links and Best Practices for Graduate Syllabi for links and additional information on instructional support and constructing effective syllabi. See Optional syllabus materials - student resources for additional information.

Please note, in classes that are co-convened with undergraduate classes (400/500-level classes), the instructor may either have a single syllabus for the jointly convened class or separate syllabi for the graduate and undergraduate offerings. If a single syllabus is used it must meet the requirements of both the Undergraduate and Graduate syllabus policies and must clearly distinguish between graduate and undergraduate learning outcomes, requirements, and work expectations.

Students should visit and review all syllabus statement information. The full university syllabus statement includes information on safety, registration, the VCU Honor Code, student conduct, withdrawal and more.

In January 2012, Rice's Faculty Senate approved a student-initiated motion regarding syllabus standards and the required distributing of course syllabus information. Beginning with the Fall 2012 semester, instructors should post and archive the syllabus for their course in ESTHER, where it can be viewed by enrolled students. While instructors may additionally post their course syllabus in other locations such as on a course web page, Canvas, or even as distributed paper handouts, the posting in ESTHER is the official recorded distribution and archiving of the course syllabus. Optimally, instructors should have their course syllabus uploaded before the opening of the registration period for that course in the upcoming (future) semester. Minimally, the syllabus is expected to be uploaded and posted in ESTHER before that semester's first day of classes.

This collection of sample syllabus statements has been curated by the Office of IDEAS as a resource for instructors to include or make adjustments to their syllabi. Faculty are invited to use as much or as little of this content as they see fit. The content of this document contains suggestions based on best practices and feedback from our instructional designers and faculty members.

Each school and/or department may have identified their own, additional language that is required in syllabi (e.g., mission/vision statements, professional standards for accreditation, statements about available centers, lab safety requirements, etc.), so you should check with your department chair for additional syllabus content that may be required by your program.

If you want to consider how to frame the syllabus in a way that conveys your welcoming expectation that all students will learn and that all learners are valued, you may find it helpful to review the USC Syllabus Review Guide, published by the University of Southern California's Center for Urban Education. This tool provides questions to guide a faculty member in reflecting on their practice from a stance of equity-mindedness and support of all learners. The authors offer examples of how to intentionally adapt syllabus language to be more supportive of student learning.

Colleagues are excellent resources for reading the syllabus from the perspective of a student. You can ask them to read it with an eye toward language that might be unclear. This collaboration offers you a chance to strengthen the document before students encounter it.

A clear, well-organized, and inviting syllabus can help students approach a class with a growth-mindset and with a positive expectation about the care and support they will receive from their faculty member. For example, syllabi that state the expectations positively (e.g., "In this class, we will explore...") rather than negatively (e.g., "All late work will receive a grade of 0...") will support the idea that students are partners in learning and that they are likely to be successful. A student who can easily find course readings, deadlines, invitational language to visit office hours, and assignment expectations will be more likely to persist in a class.

If you are making a major revision to your course and syllabus, reconcile the existing syllabus with the most current Model Syllabus. Consider what you will be revising and which areas of the syllabus will need to be edited as a result. Consider rewriting the syllabus to be more accessible to all learners. Here are guides on best practices from three universities:


The Canvas Syllabus Tool does not replace a document syllabus that is distributed in class, or shared as a Word or PDF file. The Canvas Syllabus Tool, which is new to WCU faculty who were more familiar with Blackboard, is a student success mechanism:

[i] Garavalia, L. S., Hummel, J. H., Wiley, L. P., & Huitt, W. G. (1999). Constructing the course syllabus: Faculty and student perceptions of important syllabus components. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 10(1), 5-21.

Each Eastern Florida State College instructor provides a course syllabus that serves as a guide for the term, outlining the expectations for students. The course syllabus also includes a link to the required Syllabus Addendum outlined below, providing additional information that is the same collegewide so students have links to College policies that are relevant to all course syllabi. Last Updated: May 23, 2023

A unique syllabus is required for all locations (Corvallis, Cascades, Hatfield, La Grande, Portland) and all modalities (Ecampus, hybrid, lecture/lab) the course will be taught. However, only one syllabus needs to be attached in the course proposal with the exception as follow:

One of the advantages of having a liquid syllabus is that it can be changed over time if you build it in Canvas, Google Docs, or a website that can be updated depending on the needs of the class. The liquid syllabus is not a static document; rather, it is a publicly accessible, mobile-friendly living document that supports clear and updated communication for students.

Gamification is an evidence-based method of further engaging students, where gaming components are included to enrich learning (see Sailer & Homner, 2020; Zainuddin et al., 2020 for meta-analyses). Benefits with gamifying your course from a syllabus standpoint include:

The distribution of a course information sheet or syllabus is required for all University courses.* The syllabus is a statement of intent and schedule of topics/activities that serves as an implicit agreement between the instructor and students. It must be distributed (either as a hard copy or online) during the first week of classes, and an electronic copy, available to students, must be retained by the department office.

Information contained in the course syllabus, other than the grade and absence policy, may be subject to change with advance notice, as deemed appropriate by the instructor; see  -affairs-and-academics/course-syllabus-policy-undergraduate-template.

*For co-convened 400/500-level classes, the instructor may use a single syllabus for the jointly convened class or separate syllabi for the graduate and undergraduate offerings. If a single syllabus is used, it must meet the requirements of both the Undergraduate and Graduate Syllabus Policies and must clearly distinguish between graduate and undergraduate requirements and workload expectations. 2351a5e196

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