Karnataka - Traditional art forms

The Stage is Karnataka

Say nothing. Immersed in a moment of extreme joy, you experience the sheer delight of watching brilliance and magic put into one. As the rich, vibrant and energy-producing art forms of Karnataka transform you into one very special spectator. Taking you into a world of Gods and Goddesses, demons and spirits, celebrated, worshipped characters from the epics and everything surreal. This year's calendar features twelve intensely rich art forms from the length and breadth of Karnataka. Each, reminding you of the immensely rich cultural heritage of the destination. Heart warmingly stunning visual spectacles carefully developed through ages of fine-tuning and practice. From folk art to ritualistic dances, theater forms and performances that are in celebration of a very good harvest. Witness music, dance, drama and storytelling make grand entries into the aesthetic side of you. Sometimes with melodious rhythm.Sometimes with a scream.

Somana Kunita:

Somana Kunita is a religious. ritualistic dance performed by two or three artists with elaborate masks. Known as Somas, they were entrusted with the task of guarding the village deities and worshiping them. The stories related to the birth of the Somas forms the crux of the performance.

Goravara Kunita:

This religious dance is performed by the devotees of Shiva, the Hindu God. Attired in fur cap made of bearskin and black and yellow clothing, they sway to the esoteric tunes of the flute and the Damaruga, a hand-held drum. Accompanying their trance-like movements, are songs handed down through generations, replete with deep mystic meanings.

Puja Kunita:

Puja Kunita is the dance of worship performed to propitiate the Goddess Shakthi. The dancer carries a five feet frame made out of bamboo called Puje, wrapped with beautiful saris and flowers, during the performance. Devoid of any stories, the dancers provide visual exclusivity by their acrobatic movements.


Veeragase gets its name from the Hindu legendary warrior, Veerabhadra, where dancers narrate the story of Daksha Yajna. Attired in colourful garb and traditional headgear, the dancers carry a wooden plaque of Veerabhadra in their left hand and a sword in their right. The dance sometimes involves a ritualistic piercing of a needle across the tongue.

Dollu Kunita:

The Dollu Kunita is a powerful drum dance accompanied by singing, acrobatic movements and synchronized group formations. The shepherd community of Kuruba Gowdas performs the dance to honour their deity, Beereshwara, a form of the Hindu god, Shiva. A major attraction for any religious festivals in villages, about a dozen artistes move with vigour to the rich vibrations of the Dollu or the drum.


Ummaattaattu is the traditional dance form from Coorg made famous by the beautiful Kodava women. Adorned in the traditional red brocade Sari, jewellery and red vermilion on the forehead, they dance in circles to the rhythms of hand-held brass cymbals. Accompanied by soothing music, the dance form — performed to appease Goddess Cauvery — is usually part of festivals, weddings, etc.

Suggi Kunita:

A festival dance, Suggi Kunita is performed during the time of harvest, mostly by the farming community. Artists in beautiful costumes and wooden headgear adorned with carved birds and flowers dance to the tune of drums with sticks and peacock feathers. They enhance the dance sometimes, by their own signing.

Krishna Parijata:

This traditional folk theater form revolves around Lord Krishna, and his fight with Indra over the Parijatha tree. Known for their frequent witticisms, they are mostly open-air performances. Simple plots and dialogues, spontaneity of the performers and impromptu improvisations make Krishna Parijata a great attraction to the audiences.

Jagghalige Kunita:

A large percussion instrument made from the wheels of a bullock cart, wrapped with buffalo hides or Jagghalige is largely used this folk art. Usually involving about 15 people, the dancers march to the pulsating beat of the giant drums. Jagghalige Kunita is performed during festivals like Ugadi and Holi.

Chowdike Mela:

The devotees of Yellama, the patron goddess of the rural folk of Karnataka, perform Chowdike Mela. Chowdike, a unique stringed instrument, partners their mesmerizing praise of the Goddess. The singers usually dedicate their lives solely to singing the heavenly glory.


The celestial song or Yakshagana is the most enchanting amalgamation of dance, music and literature. Bhagavatha, the main storyteller accompanies a group of chorus singers and musicians as they weave mythological stories with hued costumes and dynamic dance forms.

Beesu Kamsale:

Beesu Kamsale is a vigorous dance form closely associated with the rituals of Shiva worship and employs a great blend of aesthetic sublimity and martial agility. A cymbal-like disc, the Kamsale is played in rhythm with the songs exalting the glory of the lord Mahadeswara.