Karina H. Batistelli
I am currently a postdoc at the Department of Mathematics of Facultad de Ciencias (Universidad de Chile) in Chile, until March of 2022. My mentor is Nicolás Libedinsky.
I was a CONICET (National Research Council) postdoctoral fellow in Córdoba, Argentina in 2017-2019.
I received my PhD. on March 2017 at FaMAF & CIEM (CONICET) in Córdoba, Argentina, under the supervision of Carina Boyallian.
I completed my M.Sc. in Math. (Licenciatura en Matemática) in 2012 at UNS (Universidad Nacional del Sur) in Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
I am a member of the Gender Committee Network of UMA (Argentinian Mathematical Union).
Here's my CV as December 2021.
Email: kbatistelli (at) unc (dot) edu (dot) ar