Zabbix Sender Download Windows

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If a configuration file is specified, Zabbix sender uses all addresses defined in the agent ServerActive configuration parameter for sending data. If sending to one address fails, the sender tries sending to the other addresses. If sending of batch data fails to one address, the following batches are not sent to this address.

Since Zabbix 1.8.4, zabbix_sender realtime sending scenarios have been improved to gather multiple values passed to it in close succession and send them to the server in a single connection. A value that is not further apart from the previous value than 0.2 seconds can be put in the same stack, but maximum pooling time still is 1 second.

_____________ is a command line utility for sending monitoring data to Zabbix server or proxy. On the Zabbix server an item of type 1______________ should be created with corresponding key. Note that incoming values will only be accepted from hosts specified in 2_____________ field for this item.

3__, 4________ config-file

 Use config-file. 5_____________ reads server details from the agentd configuration file. By default 6_____________ does not read any configuration file. Only parameters 7________, 8____________, 9________, 10__________, 11_________, 12__________, 13___________________, 14____________________, 15___________, 16__________, 17______________ and 18__________ are supported. All addresses defined in the agent 19____________ configuration parameter are used for sending data. If sending of batch data fails to one address, the following batches are not sent to this address.

20__, 21_______________ server

 Hostname or IP address of Zabbix server. If a host is monitored by a proxy, proxy hostname or IP address should be used instead. When used together with 22________, overrides the entries of 23____________ parameter specified in agentd configuration file.

The value type must be correctly set in item configuration of Zabbix frontend. Zabbix sender will send up to 250 values in one connection. Size limit for sending values from an input file depends on the size described in Zabbix communication protocol. Contents of the input file must be in the UTF-8 encoding. All values from the input file are sent in a sequential order top-down. Entries must be formatted using the following rules:


In a Windows environment applications can send data to Zabbix server/proxy directly by using the Zabbix sender dynamic link library (zabbix_sender.dll) instead of having to launch an external process (zabbix_sender.exe).

The dynamic link library with the development files is located in bin\winXX\dev folders. To use it, include the zabbix_sender.h header file and link with the zabbix_sender.lib library. An example file with Zabbix sender API usage can be found in build\win32\examples\zabbix_sender folder.

This is the situation: I have a Zabbix installed on a Debian VM, and configured a host with correct IP, port, item(Zabbix trapper).I want to send a value just for testing from my Windows 10 PC using "zabbix_sender"; later I want to find a way to get data from a .txt file for monitoring.

Active Agent Checks were failing with following error or similar:active check configuration update from [] started to fail (ZBX_TCP_READ() timed out)For whatever reason, active agents wont be able to connect properly (active checks won't work, only passive), if server is behind a firewall NAT'd, and you don't have the following in your ifcfg-eth0 (or whatever NIC) file. It will work if you bypass the firewall and put a public IP right on the zabbix server. NM_CONTROLLED=no BOOTPROTO=static

In this recipe, we will go over two checks that can help you built some more customized setups. The Zabbix simple checks provide you with an easy way to monitor some specific data. The Zabbix trapper combines with Zabbix sender to get data from your hosts into the server, allowing for some scripting options. Let's get started.

When working with Zabbix sender, we are doing exactly the opposite of most checks. We are building an item on our Zabbix server, which allows us to capture trap items. This allows us to build some custom checks to send data to our Zabbix server from a monitored host:

Let's say, for instance, that you want to build a custom Python script that, at the end of running the scripts, sends output to Zabbix server. We could ask Python to send this data with Zabbix sender, and suddenly you'd have this data available for processing on the Zabbix server.

While Zabbix can monitor a lot about the system state through agent and SNMP checks, there are situations where you may want to directly send a notification to Zabbix to inform it of a particular system state or notify it that an action has been performed. One example might be if you want to monitor an automated task such as installing updates or cleaning up temporary files. While it would be possible to write the data from your task out to a log file and have Zabbix parse that file, often the simplest way to do this is with a trapper. The Zabbix sender application allows you to send an item-value pair to Zabbix from the command line, allowing you to monitor the item within Zabbix and create triggers in the event of an error.

On the host you want to monitor, you will need to install zabbix-sender. On Windows, the sender is part of the agent installation so if you already have the agent, you also have the sender. On Linux you will need to install the sender separately from the same repo you installed the agent from as follows:

It is always worth testing your triggers to make sure they work as expected. Otherwise you might think you are monitoring something but you are actually not getting alerts when there are problems. To test that our first trigger is working correctly we can just manually run zabbix_sender and send it a non-0 value as follows:

I have described how to use zabbix_sender in Bash and the same concept applies to other command shells such as CMD or PowerShell on Windows. If you are scripting in a different language, check the Zabbix website to see if they offer a module for the language you are using. If not, most languages have modules to allow you to run system shell commands from within your scripts. If this is the case, make sure you have zabbix_sender installed on the system and integrate the shell commands described above. In either case, the process for creating the template items and triggers within Zabbix will be the same regardless of the method you use to pass the data.

The Zabbix application programming interface is a web-based API to create new applications, automate tasks and integrate with third-party software, such as go-zabbix, Zabbix::Tiny or Zabbix sender. The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format is used to base the API as a front-end web interface. 5376163bf9

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