第19回関西集合論セミナ --- 中百舌鳥ファイナル
2024年12月23日(月)14:00 から 2024年12月24日(火) 18:00 まで
大阪公立大学中百舌鳥キャンパス A14棟333講義室 (堺市中区学園町1-1)
お問い合わせ:嘉田勝 (大阪公立大学) kada [at] omu [dot] ac [dot] jp
[The seminar has been closed]
19th Kansai Set Theory Seminar --- Nakamozu the FINAL
December 23--24, 2024
Bldg A14 Room 333, Osaka Metropolitan University Nakamozu Campus (1-1 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, Sakai OSAKA)
Contact: Masaru Kada (Osaka Metropolitan University) kada [at] omu [dot] ac [dot] jp
Speakers / 講演者(12月21日現在)
Sakaé Fuchino / 渕野昌 (神戸大学)
Diego Mejia (神戸大学)
Francesco Parente (神戸大学)
Ryoichi Sato / 佐藤遼一 (静岡大学)
Ryuma Sei / 清颯真 (大阪公立大学)
Souji Shizuma / 静間荘司 (大阪府立大学)
Andres Uribe-Zapata (TU Wien)
Toshimichi Usuba / 薄葉季路 (早稲田大学)
Teruyuki Yorioka / 依岡輝幸 (静岡大学)
Program / プログラム(12月22日現在)
Monday, December 23 / 12月23日月曜日
(13:40 room open)
14:00--14:40 Souji Shizuma / 静間荘司 (大阪府立大学)
parity functionと無限なゲームたち
14:50--15:10 Ryuma Sei [Part I] / 清颯真 (大阪公立大学)
基数不変量の特徴付けと大小関係について [Part I]
15:20--16:10 Diego Mejia (神戸大学)
Strong measure zero, additive ideals, and their cardinal characteristic
16:20--17:10 Andres Uribe-Zapata (TU Wien)
Cardinal invariants associated with probability trees
Tuesday, December 24 / 12月24日月曜日
9:30--10:10 Ryuma Sei [Part II] / 清颯真 (大阪公立大学)
基数不変量の特徴付けと大小関係について [Part II]
10:30--11:20 Teruyuki Yorioka / 依岡輝幸 (静岡大学)
11:40--12:30 Toshimichi Usuba / 薄葉季路 (早稲田大学)
14:30--15:20 Francesco Parente (神戸大学)
On properties preserved by Chu transforms
15:40--16:30 Ryoichi Sato / 佐藤遼一 (静岡大学)
idealized forcingとproperness
16:50--17:30 Sakaé Fuchino / 渕野昌 (神戸大学)
DID among large cardinals and Laver-generic large cardinal axioms
※ 講演は特記を除き日本語で行われます。(Talks are given in Japanese unless otherwise indicated.)
parity functionと無限なゲームたち
本講演では、parity functionと、無限に拡張したゲームやパズルにおける必勝戦略の存在性、そしてそれらの命題たちと集合論的公理の導出関係をテーマとする。とくに研究テーマである「囚人と帽子のパズル」に関する結果を中心的に扱う。
清颯真 (大阪公立大学)
依岡輝幸 (静岡大学)
Martin's Axiom (MA) は連続体濃度の値を決めませんが,Proper Forcing Axiom (PFA) が連続体濃度の値を決めるかどうかは分かっていませんでした。1987年,Todorcevic は PFA から連続体濃度が aleph_2 であることを示しました。その後,Todorcevic は Bounded Martin's Maximum からも連続体濃度が aleph_2 であることを示し,Moore は Bounded Proper Forcing Axiom (BPFA) から連続体濃度が aleph_2 であることを示しました。講演では,強制公理の定義から歴史に沿って解説をします。時間が許せば,BPFA から連続体濃度が aleph_2 であることの証明の概略を述べたいと思います。
薄葉季路 (早稲田大学)
Francesco Parente (神戸大学)
On properties preserved by Chu transforms [talk given in English]
Chu transforms satisfying a density condition have recently emerged as a powerful tool to compare abstract logics. In this talk, we discuss the preservation of two-sorted infinitary properties under dense Chu transforms. In particular, we isolate a class of properties, which we call inconsistency-flow, and establish a preservation theorem for inconsistency-flow formulae under dense Chu transforms. As a result, we characterize exactly what is preserved by the sublogic relation between abstract logics, as well as obtain further applications in the context of topological spaces and ultrafilters. This is a joint work with Mirna Džamonja.
Diego Mejía (神戸大学)
Strong measure zero, additive ideals, and their cardinal characteristic [talk given in English]
[This is a work in progress with Miguel Cardona.] We explore the characterizations and cardinal characteristics of strong measure zero sets, additive ideals (such as null and meager), and related ideals on the real line. Our focus includes results in ZFC and consistency results established so far.
Andrés Uribe-Zapata (TU Wien)
Cardinal invariants associated with probability trees [talk given in English]
In this talk, we present a formalization of the concept of "probability tree" and examine their fundamental structural properties. Furthermore, we explore the relationship between these types of trees and the real line, establishing a connection between some cardinal invariants associated with the real numbers and cardinal characteristics related to probability trees.
佐藤遼一 (静岡大学)
idealized forcingとproperness
イデアルに属さないボレル集合の全体による強制法をidealized forcingと呼ぶ。idealized forcingはShelahのproper forcingの応用として始まったものであり、Zapletalによって体系化された。本発表ではidealized forcingの研究のきっかけとなった、閉集合からなるイデアルによるidealized forcingが持つ性質について発表する。
渕野昌 (神戸大学)
DID among large cardinals and Laver-generic large cardinal axioms [talk given in English]
One of M. Magidor's classical theorems says that it is consistent that the first strongly compact cardinal is equal to the first measurable cardinal while it is also consistent (modulo a supercompact cardinal) that the first strong compact cardinal is the first supercompact cardinal.} Magidor called this kind of phenomena as an identity crisis
[Magidor] M.Magidor, How large is the first strongly compact cadinal? or a study of identity cirses, AML, 10 (1976), 33-57.
Similar kind of identity crises are further studied in the recent paper:
[Hayut-Magidor-Poveda] Y.Hayut, M.Magidor, and A.Poveda, Identity cirsis between supercompactness and Vopěnka principle, JSL, Vol.87 (2), 2022, 626-648.
In this talk, we study some cases of dissociative identity disorder (DID, previously known as MPD (多重人格)) among large cardinals (LCs) and Laver-generic large cardinal axioms (LgLCs) in which apparent consistency strengths of certain LC and LgLC are shown to be totally different from the actual consistency strengths.
関西集合論セミナのあゆみ (Researchmap 嘉田勝)