Kalle Müller

Feodor Lynen Fellow / Postdoc

Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, BCL, France
UMR 7320 : Bases, Corpus, Langage


Research interests

Noun complement clauses, sentence adverbs, perception verbs, embedded clauses, modal objects, kinds, modality, evidentiality, (non-)at-issueness, subjectivity, language change, grammaticalization, pragmaticalization

PhD dissertation

Satzadverbien, Evidentialität und Non-at-issueness. Dissertation, Tübingen, 2019.


Co-organization of the workshop "Events. New Work on Their Ontology and Semantics", 18-19 June 2024, Université Côte d'Azur in Nice.


Müller, Kalle (2021). Satzadverbien und Evidentialität. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. (= studia grammatica 87)

Edited Volumes

Coniglio, Marco, Kalle Müller & Markus Steinbach (eds.) (in prep.). Adverbs and Particles at the Form-Meaning Interface. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 


Axel-Tober, Katrin & Kalle Müller (under review). Sentence Adverbs based on Parenthetical Clauses – the Case of German.

Axel-Tober, Katrin, Marco Coniglio, Kalle Müller & Katharina Paul (to appear). Grammaticalization of sentence adverbs and particles revisited. For the Proceedings of ICHL 25.

Müller, Kalle (2023). Getting the facts right: Focus on adverbial verum marking in German. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 42(3), 577-609. https://doi.org/10.1515/zfs-2023-2015 (open access)

Müller, Kalle (2023). On noun-related complementizer clauses. In Axel-Tober, Katrin, Lutz Gunkel, Jutta Hartmann & Anke Holler (eds.), On the nominal nature of propositional arguments. Hamburg: Buske, 93-120. (= Linguistische Berichte, Sonderheft 33) [manuscript on lingbuzz]

Müller, Kalle (2022). Zur lexikalischen Kategorie der Satzadverbien im Deutschen. In Modicom, Pierre-Yves (ed.) Adverbien und Adverbiale. Grenzen und Gliederung einer syntaktischen Kategorie im Deutschen. Heidelberg: Winter, 215-231. (= Germanistische Bibliothek 73)

Müller, Kalle (2020). Perception verbs and finite complement clauses. In Pinon, Christopher & Laurent Roussarie (eds.) Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 13. Paris: CSSP, 55-79. (open access)

Müller, Kalle (2019b). Sentence adverbs and theories of secondary meaning. Non-at-issueness and its problems. In Van Alem, Astrid, Mirella De Sisto, Elisabeth J. Kerr and Joanna Wall (eds.) Proceedings of ConSOLE XXVII. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, 238-256. (open access)

Müller, Kalle (2019a). Sentence adverbials, (non-)at-issueness, and orientation in German. In Gutzmann, Daniel & Katharina Turgay (eds.) Secondary Content. Leiden: Brill, 311-340. (= Current Research in the Semantics / Pragmatics Interface 37)

Axel-Tober, Katrin & Kalle Müller (2017). Evidential adverbs in German. Diachronic development and present-day meaning. Journal of Historical Linguistics 7.1/2, 9-47. (Special Issue Rise and Development of Evidential and Epistemic Markers Ed. by Cruschina, Silvio & Eva-Maria Remberger) [manuscript on researchgate.net]

Upcoming talks

Previous talks


"On the role of attitudinal kinds in complex attitude formation". Talk at the workshop 'Theoretical Approaches to Clausal Complementation' in Tübingen, October 11-12.

"NPI licensing in attitude reports with content-bearing nominals". Sinn und Bedeutung 29 in Noto, Italy, September 17-19.

"A fact-based approach to verum".  Humboldt University in Berlin, July 4.

"Making claims, decisions, and other things". Semantics and Linguistic Theory 34 at University of Rochester, May 28–30.

"Finding facts in clausal structure: the case of verum adverbs". At the Workshop 'Sentence Grammar/Discourse Grammar' at  Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, May 23-24.

"Nouns and clausal complementation: in need of a mediator". Talk held at Cycle BCL, Université Côte d'Azur, May 16.

"A claim in the making: realizing unique kinds".  DGfS Annual Meeting 2024, AG1 „(De-)composition and modification of attitude predicates“, at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), February 29 2024.


"How to link nouns with their sentential 'complements'".  MaTüBe-Workshop at ZAS Berlin, December 8 2023.

"Zur Syntax der Pragmatikalisierung".  MaTüBe-Workshop at ZAS Berlin, December 7 2023. (with Katrin Axel-Tober)

"Modal object referring noun complement clauses: Uniqueness and how to circumvent it". Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 12 (joint meeting with Ontology as Structured by the Interfaces with Semantics 3) at the Université Côte d'Azur in Nice, October 11-13 2023. 

"Epistemic (Dis)agreement and Common Ground Information Typing".  56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea at the University of Athens, August 29-September 1 2023.

"On the role of modal objects in discourse". Invited talk at the University of Tübingen, July 11 2023.

"So-called noun complement clauses: referentiality, uniqueness, and the role of prepositions." Talk at the research group for complement clauses at Université Côte d'Azur, March 27 2023.

"A special kind – countability in abstract objects and CPs." Talk at the 45th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) in Cologne, March 7-10 2023.


"Was Sie schon immer über Satzadverbien wissen wollten, (aber bisher nicht zu fragen wagten)". Invited talk at the University of Bochum, December 14 2022.

"Focus on truth: adverbial VERUM marking in German." Workshop on 'How to mark the truth: a cross-linguistic approach to verum' at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Bucharest. August 24-27 2022.

"Grammaticalization of sentence adverbs and particles revisited." International Conference on Historical Linguistics 25, University of Oxford. August 5 2022. (with Katrin Axel-Tober, Marco Coniglio & Katharina Paul)

"The syntax of pragmaticalization" Invited talk at the 'Adverbs and adverbials at the form-meaning interface' workshop in Göttingen. May 19 2022. (with Katrin Axel-Tober)

"Evidential commitment". Talk at the meeting of the North-South Epistemic Network in Stockholm, June 1 2022.

"Evidential adverbs and assertion." Invited talk at the Leibniz Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS) in Berlin. May 10 2021.

"Evidence vs. evident. On meaning differences between evidential sentence adverbs and correlating expressions in German." Poster at the Evidentiality and Modality: At the crossroads of grammar and lexicon conference in Montpellier. June 10-11 2021.

"Experimental perspectives on evidentiality." Talk at Evidentiality Workshop in Stockholm. May 6-7 2021.

"On the lexical category of sentence adverbs in German." Conference on 'German adverbs and adverbials: descriptive, theoretical and comparative perspectives' in Bordeaux. April 29-30th 2021.

"The Syntax of Extrapropositionality." Closing conference of the SFB 833 in Tübingen. March 4 2021. (with Sophie von Wietersheim)

"That relatives! and the relativization of dass-clauses in German." Workshop 'On the nouniness of propositional arguments' at the 43rd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Freiburg i. B. February 25 2021.


"On the distribution of sentence adverbs in present-day German." Workshop 'Sentence Grammar / Discourse Grammar IV', University of Oslo. October 24 2019.

"Perception verbs with that-clauses". CSSP 2019 (= Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris), UPS Pouchet (CNRS & Université Paris 8), Paris. October 3 2019.

"Perception verbs and two types of indirect knowledge". Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 11, University of Warsaw. September 22 2019. 

"Reference to evidence. Towards a distinction of evidential from epistemic meanings." Panel on 'Evidentials versus non-evidentials: in search for identification criteria of markers of evidentiality' at the 16th International Pragmatics Conference in Hong Kong. June 13 2019.

"Sentence adverbials and theories of non-at-issueness." At ConSOLE XXVII in Berlin. February 22 2019. 

"Sentence adverbs and modal particles in German subordinate clauses." At the Workshop 'Challenges to Compositionality' in Tübingen. February 7 2019. 


"Sentence Adverbials in German: their diachronic evolution at the crossroads between discourse and sentence grammar." At the Workshop 'Sentence Grammar/Discourse Grammar' in Göttingen. November 23 2018 (with Katrin Axel-Tober).

"I see that I see nothing. Indirect Complementation of Perception Verbs." PLM Master Class with Angelika Kratzer in Salzburg. October 22 2018.

"Satzadverbien & Evidentialität. Alles außer Grammatikalisierung." Potsdam-Tübingen Workshop on the Diachronic Grammar of German in Tübingen. July 20 2018. 


"Zum Bedeutungsunterschied von Wahrnehmungsverben mit AcI und dass-Satz." 4th MaTüBe Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Illocution at the IDS in Mannheim. December 16 2017. 

"Sentence adverbials, (non-)at-issueness & orientation in German. Evidence from conditionals." Workshop on 'Secondary Information' at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) conference in Saarbrücken. March 9 2017. 


"Zur Flexibilität von Satzadverbialen in Distribution und Interpretation." Workshop 'Position and Interpretation' on adverbials in Tübingen. June 3 2016. 

"Entwicklungspfade bei Satzadverbialen." Invited talk at the University of Wuppertal. February 11 2016. (with Katrin Axel-Tober) 


"Satzadverbiale in Nebensätzen." Workshop "Nebensatzphänomene" in Tübingen. December 12 2015. 

"Von Sehen zu Hörensagen. Die Entwicklung von anscheinend im Deutschen." At the MISU Summer Academy in German Linguistics at the LMU in Munich. August 21 2015. 

"Diachronic Developments in German Evidential Adverbials." 22th International Conference of Historical Linguistics in Naples. July 31 2015. (with Katrin Axel-Tober & Sam Featherston)


North-south epistemic network, Coordinator: Karolina Grzech.

Adverbial clauses and their dependency relationships, Coordinator: Łukasz Jędrzejowski.


SFB 833: The Construction of Meaning. The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures,

Project C6: The Expression of Extra-propositional Meaning – Diachrony and Synchrony


March 2023 - February 2025

Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at CNRS - Université Côte d'Azur, Host: Friederike Moltmann. Topic: "Abstract objects in the syntax of natural language"

February 2017 - February 2023

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the German Deparment, University of Tübingen


Awarding of the doctoral certificate from the University of Tübingen (summa cum laude).

Examiners for the thesis: Katrin Axel-Tober, Claudia Maienborn, Sam Featherston

11/2014 - 01/2017

PhD Scholarship from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Teaching at the German Department, University of Tübingen

May 2014

Erstes Staatsexamen

German Studies, Latin Philology

University of Tübingen