If you are looking to Improvement of the original Linux terminal, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Terminator tool in Linux and its features and take advantage of the wonderful features of Terminator Linux. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and use the terminator. This training is useful for Linux users who perform their tasks through the Linux terminal. Follow us until the end of this article to get to know the capabilities of the terminator and learn how to install this efficient tool on the Linux operating system and use its features.

2. Launching Terminator through the command line: You can start Terminator by executing theterminatorcommand in the Terminal. You can also easily enter the advanced and new Linux terminal environment through the shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + T.

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The Terminator tool is very flexible and allows you to customize fonts, font color, color scheme, and other features according to your taste and needs. To access terminator customization settings, just right-click anywhere in the terminal window and select Preferences.

In the terminator window, you can customize layouts and settings using the context menu and grouping menu. In the previous step, we taught how to customize some settings. You can access the grouping menu by selecting the three small boxes icon at the top left of the terminal window. You can also access the context menu by right-clicking anywhere in the terminal window. In the following, we will teach how to use the Terminator tool.

The difference between thesudo apt remove terminatorandsudo apt remove --auto-remove terminatorcommand is that thesudo apt remove terminatorcommand does not remove the dependencies and packages installed with Terminator.

@desveladisimo's answer will fix your issue but you won't be able to use Python 3 as your default version. In order to use Python3 as default and still have terminator working, you can configure Terminator to use Python2 with the following steps:-

update: i installed a new terminal emulator (terminator) , and it works , but i would really prefere to have back my gnome-terminal , because all the applications links are on the gnome terminal ( as nmap and setoolkit , for example) so it would be great also to know if i can change, for example, nmap, to run on the terminator terminal emulator.

By looking at the errors, it seems that the packages are broken. There are multiple reasons for that but I would suggest you use the latest version of kali if you are updating, installing or upgrading something.

I recently switched to mint and am trying to find a decent terminal emulator. I've gotten quite used to Kali's qterminal and I really liked the dark blueish theme with the slight transparency on the background. I tried installing Qterminal on my mint machine but there is no option for the Kali theme. Does anyone know how I could import Kali's terminal emulator into another distro? If it helps, i used the xfce version of kali linux.

This modifies the dconf to make terminator the default program. You could also use dconf-editor (a GUI-based tool) to make changes to the dconf, as another answer has suggested. If you would like to learn and understand more about this topic, this may help you.

I you happen to write blog posts, you can even show off and create an animated gif by using a script like this. (Please note: this script uses the $WINDOWID environment variable, my terminal (terminator) does not have this variable set. XTerm does haveit by default.)

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux(REHL) and all Linux distributions similar or derived from it, you can install the terminator package from the EPEL repository. Once you have set up the EPEL repository on your system, run the correct command below for your RHEL, CentOS, Rocky Linux, or AlmaLinux version.

After you have installed the terminator package as shown above, you can search for it from the system menu and open it. Once it is open, you will get a default, minimal window(80*24), looking something like the following.

Do keep in mind, that this will be viewable only on a root terminal. i.e, you run a terminal as your root user, or you run a root terminal as a regular user (in kali, it's the little red terminal icon) and you will have the above picture.

1) Find out where your terminator files are and cd to that directory:

which terminator

 // Output: /usr/bin/terminator -> ../share/terminator/terminator

 // So the terminator root directory is /usr/share/terminator in this case

Today we will learn something light and easy about how to split kali linux terminal window. This tips and trick will useful when we want to run many process and we can monitor all of the process state in the same window.

But here I'm not going to explain all the latest improvements that have been introduced in this version but to reveal all the different themes and visual modifications that come with it. By the way, an essential change that I do want to emphasize is the switch to a default non-root user, with the username "kali" and password "kali". For more of the reasons behind this switch, please see this blog post: kali.org/news/: Kali Default Non-Root User.

If you don't want to leave Gnome, don't worry. Kali now offers a Gnome build for you with some of the new desktop themes. As this release was focused on the Xfce DE change, most of the latest changes were intended for this desktop. For next releases, more changes will be available for all kali flavors to get them "close" to a similar user experience no matter the environment you run. 17dc91bb1f

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