
(Updated: January 15, 2025)

Liberal Arts Research Professor, Department of Economics, The Pennsylvania State University

Fellow of the Econometrics Society

NBER Research Associate

CESifo Research Associate

IGC Research Affiliate

Contact information:

Department of Economics, Penn State University

523 Kern Graduate Building

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-1106

Email: kmk4@psu.edu


    Working Papers: 

 "Pareto Improvements in the Contest for College Admissions". July 2022. With Sergey Lychagin, Wojciech Olszewski, Ron Siegel and Chloe Tergiman. NBER Working Paper No. 30220. (Forthcoming RESTUD. Latest Version)

 "Learning to Use Trade Agreements". October 2021. With Carlos Malagon, Christian Volpe and Yuta Suzuki. NBER Working Paper No 29319. (Forthcoming Journal of Development Economics) Latest version Published version

 "Trade and Selection with Heterogeneous Firms and Perfect Competition" With Xue Bai, Hong Ma and Arpita Chatterjee. November, 2022, NBER Working Paper No. 30650. (Submitted) Latest version

  "Targeting the Gender Placement Gap: Marks versus Money" Formerly called "Deconstructing the Placement Gender Gap: Performance versus Preferences". October, 2024. With Pelin Akyol and Sergey Lychagin. NBER Working Paper No.33074  (Submitted to RESTUD). Latest version

     Work in Progress: 

"The Environmental Externalities of the U.S.-China Trade Dispute" With Alicia Dang and Yingyan Zhao. Submitted to Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (JAERE) 

    "No Country for Dying Firms: Evidence From India". July, 2023. With Shoumitro Chatterjee, Kalyani Padmakumar and Yingyan Zhao. Draft available.

"Winners and Losers from the US - China Trade War." With Huong Dang and Yingyan Zhao. October, 2023. (Submitted)   Draft available. 

  "Do Time Constraints Matter: How, Why and For Whom?" With Pelin Aykol and Esma Ozturk. Draft available.

 "Nonlinear Pricing in Trade" With Carlos Salamanca, Yuta Suzuki, and Christian Volpe. Draft available.

 "What Happens to Price When You Change Suppliers?" With Calos Salamanca, Yuta Suzuki, and Christian Volpe.

 "Gender and Performance in High Stakes Exams: Evidence from Turkey". With Pelin Aykol and Sergey Lychagin.

For details click  on NEW RESEARCH

PODCASTS: (click on the underlined title)

Argumentative Indians: Has India lost its fear of foreign trade?

Scientific Sense: On Educational Testing

Geneva Trade and Development Workshop:  Learning to Use Trade Agreements, November 2021