Download Files Not Opening


______Your Chromebook supports third-party file systems that use DocumentsProvider APIs. If you download one of these Android files apps from the Play Store, it will appear on the left-hand side of your Files .

By default, your files are saved to your Downloads folder, a temporary folder on your Chromebook's hard drive. You can change where downloads are saved by default or select a specific folder for each download.

When I open an Excel file from Windows Explorer, if Excel is not already running, the file opens as read only. I can save it as a file with a new name, but not as the old name (at least not without saving it and renaming it). I can open files just fine if Excel is already running, either through File > Open or from Windows Explorer. This problem only happens with .xlsx and .xls files (not with .csv files).

My problem turned out to be I had a broken add-in, and Excel wasn't booting properly. When opening Excel from the start menu, it gave me an error dialogue before proceeding to the Excel landing page. Meanwhile, when opening an Excel file directly from Explorer, Excel skipped the error dialogue and went straight to the file, but couldn't open it in write mode.

I would also really like this feature, my biggest point is just that VSCode supports the same choice (they call it preview mode/edit mode, if you do not edit a file it will not open a new tab but this behavior can be changed in the settings).

I very very frequently just click files and search for things and want everything open.

on the same note, a button to close all open tabs would be nice, but is not necessarily since you can just spam click the far right X until everything is gone

I tried the idea of pinning a note so that it would not be close/replaced by the opening of a new one. Trouble is, if you click on a link that points to the pinned note the pinned note should open to the pinned note. This does not occur. If the link to the pinned note is a block level link, then the pinned note should open to that block. That does not happen which is default behavior, but only if the note IS NOT pinned. Consequently, pinning to stop a note from closing is not a good work-around.

When you start Excel, all the files that are located in the XLStart folder are automatically opened. This behavior occurs regardless of the kind of file. Additionally, if you specified an alternative startup folder for Excel, every file in that folder is also automatically opened.

Another method for preventing files from automatically opening is to start Excel in safe mode. Starting Excel in safe mode prevents all Excel add-ins, toolbar customizations, and startup folders from loading when the program is started.

Another method for preventing files from automatically opening is to press the ESCAPE key (but do not press and hold). When you press ESCAPE after the files start to open, Excel is prevented from opening additional files.

You may find that when you are opening files, they open as read-only. Read-only means you can only view or print. In some cases, this is for added security, such as when you are opening files from the internet, and other times, it can be due to a setting that can be changed. Here are some scenarios where a file opens read-only and some steps you can take to change that.

Some antivirus programs may protect you from potentially unsafe files by opening them read-only. You may need to check with your antivirus provider to learn how to adjust these settings. BitDefender, for example, has content on adding application exclusions here: How to add application or process exclusions in Bitdefender Control Center.

Files from the Internet and from other potentially unsafe locations can contain viruses, worms, or other kinds of malware that can harm your computer. This is also commonly the case with email attachments or files you've downloaded. To help protect your computer, files from these potentially unsafe locations are opened in Protected View. By using Protected View, you can read a file and see its contents while reducing the risks. For more information on Protected View and how to change settings, see this article: What is Protected View?

When opening an app you might get an Unlicensed Product message or an activation error. This can happen if Microsoft 365 or Office isn't activated, or your Microsoft 365 subscription expired. For help with this, see: Unlicensed Product and activation errors in Office.

@davehorne: If you open Samsung Notes, and hit the 'PDF+' icon in the top right, then this will direct you to the relevant storage location in My Files, and you can open the files in Samsung Notes in this manner.

If you prefer to open the PDF files in My Files, then you may wish to head to Settings > Apps > Tap the 3 dots in the top right > Reset app preferences, however this will affect all default apps until you re-assign them. In this instance, head back to My Files, open a PDF file, then choose the default app via the options that appear at the bottom of the screen.

In recent releases of IE, Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, and latest Citrix Workspace App clients many of the issues mentioned below have been resolved.

By default, the OS (Windows, Mac, Linux) should automatically set how to open 1_______files when trying to launch any resource via Citrix Workspace or Citrix Storefront via the Web Store if the Citrix Workspace App is installed properly. 

Confirm Citrix Workspace App is installed or use Citrix Workspace App for HTML5 (2_______________________________

If you continue to encounter this behavior please review the steps outlined below.

When clicking on an application or desktop to launch via Citrix Workspace or Citrix Storefront on an Internet Browser (not within Citrix Workspace App) and an "3___________shows in the download bar on the bottom left please follow these steps to automatically open said file: 

ICA file is downloaded during the process. After the ICA file is downloaded, enable the browser to open similar files automatically.



Thanks for getting back to me. Sorry for the delay. This looks like an issue we had where pdf files behind authentication walls could not be opened in Brave: Issue: Pdf files can't opened in encrypted new windowopened by sungerbobon 2019-02-13closed by kjozwiakon 2019-02-27DescriptionHi, I can't open pdf files in encrypted new window. Like banking or government website.Steps to ReproduceLogin to government website.A new... duplicate

I can confirm that this setting is set correctly, but the browser still does not open PDF files, instead a file save location dialogue is instantly displayed. This is currently happening for any pdf files received through

Our lab bought a 4K camera and the only way to open and convert images in an uncompressed format is through the use of VSI files. As far as I understand, there are very few ways to open and convert VSI files. One of the options is through the use of ImageJ with the OlympusImageJ Plugin.

WinSCP allows you to edit/open remote file using editor or associated application on local machine. To do so it needs to download the remote file to temporary directory first. Then it opens the file in your preferred editor or associated application. Once you change the file, WinSCP uploads it back. With Commander interface you can even edit/open local files, but most of this chapter covers editing remote files only.

You can create new empty file using command Files > New > File. The command asks for name of the new file and then opens your default editor. Note that you can use the command also to open an existing file by typing in its path to avoid need to navigate first to its location. You can also open an existing file this way, or even multiple files by separating their paths with semicolon (;).

Especially when the files are opened in an external editor, user can easily change two files at once. For this reason WinSCP must upload the files back using background transfer/queue to allow several uploads at once.

One drawback of this approach is that all of the files ever edited by the current instance of WinSCP are kept in a temporary directory (until WinSCP is closed). WinSCP watches for changes to them all.

If you want to edit binary files you need to use external editor that supports binary files (and make sure preference option Force text transfer mode for files edited in external editor is unchecked). The configured transfer mode will then be used even for transfers to/from external editor. Note that if you have configured binary transfer mode, your external editor must support server-side format of text files (Unix format usually), if you still want to edit them.

Reduces the file size of the resulting blend-file but takes longer to save and load.This option is useful for distributing files online and saving drive space for large projects.But it can cause slowdowns when quitting Blender,or under normal operation when auto-saving backup files.See Compression & Memory Use for more information.

Changed in version 3.0: Prior to this version, the compression algorithm used was Gzip.This means to open newer blend-files in versions prior to 3.0,blend-files must first be saved without compression in a newer version of Blenderor decompressed using an external Gzip tool. 5376163bf9

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