Is anyone else not able to see the notification bell at all when using Firefox recently? I have tried resetting site data and cache. I've tried different accounts. I've tried incognito, and even on a different computer. Nothing has helped. Yet when I load it on Chrome, it shows up as normal.

When a notification under the bell is unread it shows blue, but when your mouse runs over a white, already read notification it is the same color blue. my suggestion would be to make an unread notification, when you mouse runs over them turn a darker blue.

Download Youtube Notification Bell


Hi there, hoping someone can help. I've read other advice about what this means (notifications are on), is that for the person receiving or sending them? I have this next to only one person in my text messages. I don't know why. I didn't do anything differently. Does it mean THEY have notifications on??

To receive notifications when a text message has been sent from this person, open the Messages app and open the conversation list. Slide the conversation in question to the LEFT and tap on the Bell icon. This will set the notifications to ON from that person.

actually it doesn't. to receive notifications on my phone i have to have the bell "off," or what common sense would read as "off," meaning with the slash on it. makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER and my phone seems to decide whether a message should be notified or not all by itself. not so smart(phone)

Afterward tapping the bell icon to enable notifications from that sender, the same text without the bell-with-a-slash-through-it symbol, indicating that notifications are no longer silenced for that sender:

Can you provide more details with this issue? How do you know that ALL of your contacts are muted? Does your iPhone not ring when a call is incoming from your contact? Do you not get a notification when you get a text message from one of your contacts?

Hi, is there possible to have a notification "bell" on the Portal? 

I would say something similar to what it is in Agent Workspace, that would trigger when a customer comment is made in a case and a case is resolved?

This was really helpful, thanks. I will also need to configure in order to trigger a notification when a customer comment is made in a case and a case is resolved. To show the notifications on the bell.

Personalized notifications drive higher user retention and help deepen your relationship with your audience. Users can update their notification preferences and privacy settings directly from the notification bell.

When clicking on the notification bell (Moodle 3.8.1) I see forum post previews. If I choose "view full notification" I see the list of notifications as expected. However, if I click on the main body of the notification, instead of taking me to the location where the event happened (as described in ) it redirects to resulting in an "unable to connect" browser page.

Yes the dark gray means its ON. I kinda wish there was sound lines coming from it (kinda like this: _62943153-stock-photo-alarm-icon-alert-sign-bell.jpg) or even a mute symbol when its OFF because then it would be a bit more clear

ALAS, I got really hung up on this toggle at first, too. To confirm, it's as the others have said, grey-coloured bell will send notification to your subscribers. White-coloured bell will post without sending notification.

I want to remove the entire box that contains notification bell just below the menu icon taking space in the mobile view. Also please help me how I can make that navbar sticky in mobile view.

Any help is highly appreciated.

I'm trying using css and still unable to achieve mobile dedicated navbar to have sticky navbar and placing bell (notification icon) into the list of menu itself.

If anyone have already done in their projects, please suggest how I can acheive this?

@Admin, I'm still awaing this feature to come in your said upcoming udpdates?

Notification Bell is a shiny darkish gray silver bell, with a circular red parasite placed to the upper left of him. In his current design, a good chunk of him appears to be burnt, along with his left arm missing and left eye constantly closed.

Not only are those 2 systems behaving somewhat differently as I started explaining here: /usr/bin/variety stopped working due to new clock/time format? but not so long ago (Possibly last week?) I also noticed that this system that was upgraded from 18.x was still showing up the old bell icon. Of course, I logged off (and also had to reboot) before posting this so I am CERTAIN there is a discrepancy in terms of what is deployed/displayed on my systems now and I again wanted to raise a flag in case I wasn't the only person getting this result?

We also agree that both the indicator-messages and indicator-notifications packages are both installed on all of my systems and that there is no other patches nor updates pending.

You could double check by switching the icon theme in Appearance to Ambiant-MATE, and switching back. I'll bet the mailbox turns into the bell. I can replicate it by choosing "Ubuntu Mono Dark" as an icon theme.

In this case, it doesn't look like there is a messages indicator on that system, which would be expected if there isn't a traditional e-mail client (like Thunderbird or Evolution) installed or running. Notifications from websites (e.g. Gmail) or applications would appear as a system notification.

Many many years ago when real terminals were connected to big computers, there was a special protocol called "escape sequences" to send commands to such terminals. There are sequences to change color, move to new line, or ring bell. First terminals were equipped with real bells to notify operator about some long-running task is ended.

I recently bought the WH-1000MX2 noise cancelling headphones. I noticed when I first turn the headphone on, and start listening to music, anywhere from 1 min to 4 mins, I hear a bell sounding noise. I think it must be a notification but when I look at my phone, there are no messages or notifications at all. The bell sounding noise only happens once and then I don't hear it at all. If I turn it off, and turn it back on, again, I heard the bell sounding noise once again, after couple of mins, and then all good. Anyone knows what this sound is?

I'm experiencing exactly the same thing. I'm listening to music over bluetooth and I hear a notification bell and the music volume temporarily lowers but there is no notification event on my phone (Google Pixel 2 XL). It happens about once every hour or two.

The headset has a function that changes the sound from NC to ambient depending on if you are moving around or what kind of environment you are in - it has a bell sound. Maybe that is what you experience? It made me very confused until I realized that this feature exists. You can switch the whole function off in the mobile app but you cannot switch off only the bell sound notification. So that's an improvement idea for Sony.

To disable the weird bell noise (that happens every time the headphone is switching from a Ambient Sound Mode to another (staying, walking, running and transport)), you need to open the Sony Headphones app on iPhone / Android and scroll all the way down to Notification & Voice Guide and turn that off. However, this also disables the voice percentage level indicator and custom button (voice) sounds on the headset. If you want to turn it off completely, disable Adaptive Sound Control at the top. Hope this helps for people searching for a solution!

Notification bell Icon is missing in the Next Experience UI but appear","articleBody":"Notification bell Icon is missing in the Next Experience UI

DescriptionNotification bell Icon is missing in the Next Experience UI but appears for other Experiences like CMDB workspace.

The Box Notification Center displays a summary of notifications sent to you by Box, and by the people you work with. Using the Notification Center, you can review all your notifications in one place, so you can quickly and efficiently stay up-to-date on the work you're involved in, and on the work-related activity around you. Notifications can include

When you receive a notification, Box displays an alert message next to the Notification Center's bell icon.

The bell icon displays how many unread notifications you have. When you click the bell icon, Box refreshes this number.

Windows 10, latest patches etc. Deezer app updated from Windows Store today (15th September 2023). Notification bell (top right hand corner of app) cannot be clicked to show entries. It worked prior to this update. Logging on to through a browser and the notification bell works. My temporary workaround is to create a shortcut from browser to desktop to and have it selected to open as a window. Anyone else with the same issue? If yes, has this only happened after latest update?

Nina Nebo: I have just tried download from the site using your link. Makes no difference i.e. click bell on website via browser I get the expected dropdown of notification items, on desktop app from store or site I do not.

Is it possible to remove the bell icon from the top right of the Home or Landing page? And, is it configurable in that the icon can be removed, and easily added back? Push Notification alerts are not used in the site.


The first metric gives you a percentage of those who have clicked on the all notifications option when subscribing to your channel. But what exactly does that mean? Well first of all, they need to subscribe to a channel and tap on the notification bell. But what a user also needs to do is tap on the bell and set their notification preference to all, meaning that the user will receive all notifications from that channel. ff782bc1db

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