Data Mining Lab

News & Notices

[2024-10] Manh successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats!

[2024-09] Langzhang joined our lab as a PhD student, and Kyungho, Juyeon, and Dongwon joined our lab as master students. Welcome!

[2024-06] Heechan successfully defended his master thesis. Congrats!

[2023-12] Taehyung and Jihoon received the IEEE ICDM Best Student Paper Runner-up Award. Congrats!

[2023-12] Sunwoo, Dongyeong, and Hyunju successfully defended their master thesis. Congrats!

[2023-12] Dongjin successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats!

[2023-08] Seokbum, Chunji, and Yuyeong joined our lab as master students. Welcome!

[2023-08] Minyoung started as a visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University. Congrats!

[2023-06] Juwon, Seungwoo, Soo Yong, and Taehyung (Yu) successfully defended their master theses.  Congrats!

[2023-05] Geon started an internship at NEC Labs America. Congrats! 

[2023-03] Shinhwan started an internship at NAVER Search. Congrats

[2023-02] Jongha, Sojeong, and Jaewan joined our lab as master students. Welcome! 

[2022-12] Deukryeol, Heyonjeong, and Shinhwan successfully defended their master theses. Congrats!

[2022-08] Geon started an internship at Amazon (San Francisco office). Congrats!

[2022-08] Heechan joined our lab as a master student. Welcome! 

[2022-02] Fanchen joined our lab as a PhD student, and Dongyeong, Hyunju, and Sunwoo joined our lab as master students. Welcome! 

[2021-12] Hyunjin (Hwang) and Taehyung (Kwon) successfully defended their master theses. Congrats! 

[2021-08] Soo Yong, Juwon, and Taehyung (Yu) joined our lab as master students. Welcome!

[2021-08] Fanchen joined our lab as a research staff. Welcome!

[2021-06] Inkyu and Hyeonju (Lee) successfully defended their master theses.  Congrats!

Research Highlights

#KDD23 #Hypergraph #Transitivity

#KDD23  #k-Truss #Maximization

#KDD23  #Hypergraph #Classification #GNN

#ICML23 #GNN #Attention

#WWW23 #Data #Compression #Matrix #Tensor

#WWW23 #Simplicial #Complex #Simplet #Counting

#AAAI23 #Contrastive #Learning #Hypergraph

#CIKM22 #Tutorial
#Hypergraph #Mining 

#ICDE22 #Graph #Summarization 

#ICDE22 #Personalization
#Graph #Summarization 

#WWW22 #Hypergraph

#IJCAI22 #Hypergraph #Anomaly Detection

#SDM22 #Persistence
#Higher-Order Interactions 

#SIGIR22 #Hypergraph #Prediction

#WSDM22 #Graph #Bi-Clique

#ICDM21 #Hypergraph #Motif

#ICDE21 #Tensor #Factorization

#WWW21 #Hypergraph #Overlap

#ICDE21 #Tensor #Decomposition

#VLDB20 #Hypergraph #Motif

#KDD20 #Graph #Summarization

#KDD20  #Graph #Summarization

#KDD20 #Hypergraph #Patterns

#ICDM20 #Hpyergraph #Evolution

Research Summary