Kaimo Hu (胡楷模) 

Senior Researcher, Tencent Technology (Shanghai) Co.Ltd

Email: hukaimo02(at)gmail(dot)com

LinkedIn homepage, Github homepage

Blog homepage (in Chinese): http://blog.csdn.net/magicbean2

Chinese homepage (中文主页): http://www.escience.cn/people/hukaimo/index.html


Research Interests


[Google Scholar]  [DBLP]  [ResearchGate]  [Baidu Scholar]




1. Dongming Yan, Kaimo Hu, Weize Quan, Xiaopeng Zhang. A new triangle remeshing method based on minimal angle elimination. [Chinese mainland ] 2019

2. Kaimo Hu, Shuhuai Huang, Mengqi Peng. A Grouping and parallelization solution for large-scale packing problems. [Chinese mainland ] 2021

3. Kaimo Hu, Shuhuai Huang. A simplifcation algorithm of polygon with holes that ensures area non-decreasing. [Chinese mainland ] 2021

4. Mengqi Peng, Shuhuai Huang, Kaimo Hu. A hybrid packing algorithm based on independent scaling and global scaling. [Chinese mainland ] [Hong Kong ] 2022

5. Kaimo Hu, Shuhuai Huang. A global packing optimization method based on polygon voronoi diagram. [Chinese mainland ] [Hong Kong ] 2022

6. Kaimo Hu. A 3d envelope-based multi-view visible area extraction method for 3d models. [Chinese mainland ] [Hong Kong ] 2022

7. Kaimo Hu. A packing optimization algorithm based on classified polygon extensions. [Chinese mainland ] [Hong Kong ] 2022

8. Kaimo Hu. A robust polygon with holes fix algorithm. [Chinese mainland ] [Hong Kong ] 2022

9. Kaimo Hu. A class of polygon with holes generation methods. [Chinese mainland ] [Hong Kong ] 2022

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