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In the late 1950s, at the height of the Cold War, the Northrop Corporation recognized the need and opportunity for a special kind of export fighter aircraft. Their studies formed the basis for the N-156F, a simple, economical, versatile, and easy to maintain light fighter. In 1963, the aircraft was selected for use with the Military Assistance Program (MAP) countries and designated the F-5A. More than 2,600 F-5 aircraft have been sold or produced in over 30 allied countries. The design shares much in common with the T-38 Talon, the U.S. Air Force's primary advanced trainer for approximately 50 years. Two F-5A airframes were utilized in the design of the experimental Grumman X-29 in the mid-1980s.

Effective antiterrorist action has also been thwarted by the claim that -- as the quip goes -- ``One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.'' That's a catchy phrase, but also misleading. Freedom fighters do not need to terrorize a population into submission. Freedom fighters target the military forces and the organized instruments of repression keeping dictatorial regimes in power. Freedom fighters struggle to liberate their citizens from oppression and to establish a form of government that reflects the will of the people. Now, this is not to say that those who are fighting for freedom are perfect or that we should ignore problems arising from passion and conflict. Nevertheless, one has to be blind, ignorant, or simply unwilling to see the truth if he or she is unable to distinguish between those I just described and terrorists. Terrorists intentionally kill or maim unarmed civilians, often women and children, often third parties who are not in any way part of a dictatorial regime. Terrorists are always the enemies of democracy. Luckily, the world is shaking free from its lethargy and moving forward to stop the bloodshed.

Some members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have gone so far as to prepare a substitute treaty permitting those who have murdered British policemen and soldiers, for so-called political reasons, to avoid extradition. Well, this substitute is not a compromise; it's retreat. Its passage would be a victory for terrorism and a defeat for all we've been trying to do to stop this evil. One concern about the treaty is that it may set a precedent for other treaties, which will then be used against those who simply oppose totalitarian regimes. We can never permit that to happen. Our country will always remain the beacon of hope and freedom to all oppressed peoples.

The F-5 version was built as a high-performance, inexpensive export fighter for U.S. allies. Early models were the F-5A and F-5B Freedom Fighter. Later models were the F-5E and F-5F Tiger II.

Our bird is an F-5A built in 1968. It was initially sold to the Shah of Iran and later traded to Jordan.

Today, we label such elegant aircraft light fighters. (In the USAF inventory, the F-16 is the classic example.) In the 1950s, an era in which fighters were brutishly large, fast and heavy, the idea was radical.

To develop and demonstrate its vision, Northrop built and flew two prototypes. The first was the N-156F prototype for a supersonic light fighter. The second was the N-156T prototype for a supersonic trainer. These soon evolved into the F-5A/B Freedom Fighter and the T-38 Talon supersonic trainer. Eventually, the basic design gave rise to the unsuccessful YF-17 and F-20 Tigershark and then to the very successful F-5E/F Tiger II and F/A-18.

Where the leading edge of the wing met the fuselage, fighter versions of the basic design had a small leading edge root extension (LERX). This brought vide extra lift at high angles of attack. Initially, the root extensions on the F-5 and T-38 were small. By the time the YF-17 was designed, however, the LERXs were substantial. They gave the YF-17 and the F/A-18 Hornet superb high-angle maneuverability.

The Air Force had no interest in small jets for its own inventory, but the Pentagon realized most countries could not afford the expensive jet fighters America used. It also realized that giving older, cast-off jets to small allies was no defense against the deadly MiG-15s and newer jets the Soviet Union awarded to client states.

The single-seat F-5A fighter dominated initial production. The F-5A had two Pontiac M39 revolver cannons with five chambers and a single barrel. As one shot was fired through the barrel, a spent cartridge was ejected from another chamber, while a new round loaded into another chamber, allowing each M39 to fire 1,500 rounds per minute. Although the gun was large for the small fighter, it was well worth the space it took up. The F-5A could also carry two wingtip AIM-9 heat-seeking missiles. The F-5A had no radar, so target acquisition had to be visual. This absence of radar was limiting, but it mirrored Soviet technology at the time.

During the late 1960s, the Soviets began to provide advanced MiG-21s to client states. The F-5A was no longer enough for U.S. allies. The Air Force held the International Fighter Aircraft Competition for a higher-performance export fighter, and Northrop responded with a heavily upgraded version of the F-5 that could fly at Mach 1.6. The single-seat version was the F-5E, and the dual-seat version was the F-5F. Northrop also designed the RF-5E for reconnaissance. Northrop won the competition in 1970 and began producing fighters in 1972.

In 1974, the USAF staged the Air Combat Fighter (ACF) competition explored the idea of adding lightweight fighters to complement the very expensive F-15. The two competitors were the General Dynamics YF-16 Fighting Falcon and the Northrop YF-17 Cobra.

The YF-17 Cobra was in many ways a scaled-up F-5. The fighter again had two engines, but these were far more powerful YJ101-GE-100 turbofans with 14,400 pounds of thrust each. Fuselage size was increased, but the forward fuselage and the wing were based on the F-5 design. The wing was moved up from the bottom of the fuselage to make armament easier to install. The YF-17 had two canted vertical tails instead of the single vertical tail of the F-5. It had an impressive top speed of Mach 1.95. Unfortunately, although the YF-17 was an extremely good aircraft, the General Dynamics YF-16 won the competition.

Later, when the Navy needed a larger aircraft, to replace the aging and difficult-to-maintain F-14, Northrop and Grumman produced the larger F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. The F-5 family, which began as a small light fighter, had become almost as large as the F-14 it replaced.

The Carter administration did not want to sell top-of-the-line fighters to allies because these aircraft could fall into Soviet hands. Northrop developed the F-20 to fit the export need for a highly capable fighter that would not use sensitive technology. Northrop used its own money to create the new aircraft. It was larger than the F-5E/F and used a single General Electric F404-GE-100 turbofan with 17,000 lbf instead of its traditional twin GE J-85s. Northrop initially called the aircraft the F-5G, but it changed its designation to F-20 Tigershark to indicate that this was really a new aircraft.

After the revolution, the United States stopped selling equipment to Iran. In 2007, however, Iran announced that it had produced a new fighter that was essentially an upgraded F-5. It calls the new fighter the Azarakhsh, which means Lightning in Farsi. Details on this project have been few.

Claude Cahun lived her life in a spirit of rebellion and defiance. From her precocious teenage years as Lucy Schwob, defying conventional ideals of beauty and femininity with her shaven head and male attire, to her direct resistance of German occupying forces, she actively worked against the suppression of liberty and freedom - a life of resistance, which is encapsulated by this portrait, taken in May 1945.

After being punished for fighting for the basic human rights of liberty and freedom, Talakumeni and many other Black South Africans had their letters from family containing personal information preread by prison officials and redacted before receiving them. 5376163bf9

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