Wow, this was the longest time I've ever gone without blogging. It was very interesting being (reasonably) unplugged. I was even more unplugged this time than last year when we spent Christmas in South Africa (where I was blogging near-daily over a cell phone modem).

Ultramon has long been the only game in town when it comes to multimonitor support on Windows. It gets revised in fits and starts. Sometimes you won't hear anything for literally months, then there will be a flurry of activity, then silence. Christian is very kind when he answers forum posts, but it's no uncommon to hear folks complaining about the speed at which the beta version's bugs are fixed. These days folks want to see code rev'ing weekly, minimum.

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That said, Ultramon has always been very tight code and I've had minimal trouble with it. As of Dec 21st, there's a 3.0.8 beta available that runs on Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7.

Sadly, this is where Ultramon falls down. There's no Aero Preview. Recall that Aero Preview is when you get a nice tiny window preview as you mouse over running tasks. In this version of Ultramon you'll just get a sad little tooltip.

Now there is "color tracking" in Ultramon buttons. This is when you look at the most prominent color in an icon and create an light or glow effect that tracks with the mouse. Here's the effect from Ultramon (click to watch the animation):

There are some odd windows that paint their own title bar and buttons that will look weird when Ultramon puts these buttons on them. Skype and Office Communicator come to mind. You can add these as exceptions in the config for Ultramon.

allSnap makes all your window snap to the edges of your monitor(s), it may also snap to other windows, it can be customized to any way you like. allSnap is great when you have to have several windows open on one monitor, it makes it a lot quicker for you to resize the windows so you utilize your full monitor area.Click here to go the the allSnap website.

See the two buttons to the left of the normal minimize, maximize and close window buttons? If you click on the one with the little arrow, that Choose Monitor window pops up that you can also see. Then click on the monitor you want to send a window to, and it magically moves over there.

I have been researching of a solution and found Ultramon and been using it for a week or so. It seems to work ok. I can create profile and there is an option to enable a chosen profile when the user logs in.

I've seen this happen many times, on multiple versions of LabVIEW, but I have yet to capture this issue on film until now. Below is a video of LabVIEW 2013 SP1, where I am in a new blank VI. No other VIs are open. I open quick drop. Then find the bundle by name (bbn shortcut). I can then double click on the item to use it, or hit the enter key. These are the first two drops. But if I just type "bbn" then click on the block diagram nothing happens. This was cointed the term Super Quick Drop in Darren's post a while ago.

This is so frustrating. It totally breaks my development process, and slows me down to the point sometimes where I would rather navigate the palette sometimes. Now I need to call quick drop again, type my command again, and then remember to not use Super Quick Drop. Most the time I will forget the last step and keep trying what doesn't work. 

I've tried closing all VIs, and opening a new VI. That doesn't fix it. I've also closed and re-opened LabVIEW and that doesn't fix it. Is there something I can do or some VIs I can probe to figure out why this isn't working? Thanks.

Another thing to try, there's an INI token that I don't *think* affects Quick Drop, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Try specifying dropThroughClicks=True in your INI file and restarting LabVIEW. If that doesn't help, try dropThroughClicks=False. I'm just grasping at straws here, I'm hoping one of these suggestions gets us on the right track for figuring out the problem.

The contents on the two side monitors and the two bottom monitors are very static. I always have 3 explorer windows open on the left. I always have music, chat, and sticky notes open on the right. And my web browser and email client are always on the bottom. Since those windows never move, I always know where they are.

Now the top two monitors have all sorts of stuff going on. LabVIEW, Paint (for screenshots), PowerPoint, Word, etc...but it's never felt like a chore to me to manage two monitor's worth of windows. One of the only times where things spew onto the other monitors is when I'm debugging some hairy LabVIEW bug, and I have the probe window and tons of paused VIs spread out all over the place. But that's not an everyday situation, so it doesn't feel particularly burdensome to have to manage all those windows when hairy bugs occasionally come up. Any pain associated with window management is quickly overshadowed with the euphoria of having found the cause of the bug.

As for taskbar use, it's kind of a non-issue when I know where almost all the windows are all the time. One trick I do use is the Window-1, Window-2, Window-3, etc. keyboard shortcuts for giving focus to the 1st app, 2nd app, 3rd app, etc. in the taskbar, respectively.

I used to think you had a cool setup, but now I realize you are more or less gravitating twords a monitor for every window, and that just seems silly. Windows can be hidden behind each other but the taskbar is where I am able to find the stuff I want. I haven't had a program with less then 2000 VIs in a while. And while I don't open all 2000 at a time, I'd say having more then 10 open at once is quite common. Making 20 open windows for BD and FP, probes, the project, breakpoint manager etc. And that's just for one version of LabVIEW, plenty of times I have 2 open at once. I also generally have 5-10 explorer windows open at once. I'm glad your setup works for you but it feels very under utilized, and it would drive me crazy.

I've googled, I've searched here, I've read every old forum post I could find, and found information numerous times that suggest I should be able to move panels from one screen to another. Now, this might sound silly, but they won't move to my secondary screen. I can add, remove and move around panels on the main screen, but they'll never drag to the secondary screen. Even if I could drag panels across screens correctly, this doesn't necessarily solve my problem anyway:

I have found that restarting X seems to help resolve some of the various confusions that occur during the configuration process for this setup. Therefore, I recommend you try doing that if a configuration change doesn't seem to have had the expected effect.

I use Gnome Classic, or Fallback as it's sometimes called, under Ubuntu 11.10. I have dual monitors, and on each can have as many panels as I want. The trick here is to keep adding panels on the primary monitor (in my case the laptop) until one appears on the external screen. Add as many panels as you want and move them to the edge you prefer, then delete the extra ones from the first screen.

I suggest you play with several desktop environments and window managers until you find a combination that generally feels right to you. Instead of expecting a certain set of behaviors, don't write each one off until you understand how it was designed to function best, then evaluate whether it's methodology might be better for your work flow. Once you get the hang of the various options and pick a system, start customizing it so that it behaves exactly how you want, but stay flexible to alternate work flows. Many people have left their mark on linux workflows and there is a lot to be learned from them.

No, I want to use mirroring program (for monitor screen) to play any game reversed/backwards/mirrored/flipped. It's impossible to do reversed maps to every game, that's why I asked for this.

For Doom games there is mood.exe converter. No need any port features

I've read this post before creating this thread -.-'

pvcmirror is good programm but there are no "alive" links to this. Now it's only history of nothing. I've even asked friends to help me find pvcmirror, but we got nothing.

Maybe, just maybe, it would be something you could pull off using OBS?

You have the functionality to flip the screen horizontally, and I believe you can from there make further edits so perhaps it would be possible to isolate certain portions of the screen like any hud elements and rotate them back so they are readable...

I'm sure there may be some latency issues and its likely gonna be a drain on resources, but that may be an option to look into.

ATI and nVidia both have good support for multiple monitors in the default drivers, though nVidia's support is significantly better at this point. So if you're on the fence, or don't have a preference, I'd go with a nVidia video chipset where possible. If you get serious about multiple monitors, you'll also want a copy of RealTimeSoft's UltraMon utility, which has a bunch of legitimately helpful multiple monitor features, and one absolutely killer feature:UltraMon adds an additional taskbar for each secondary monitor, and each taskbar only shows tasks from the monitor it is on. This makes managing lots of open applications much easier, and when activating an application, you'll know on which monitor it will appear.I had no idea how significant this feature was until I tried it. It's huge! The taskbar becomes far more useful when it isn't crowded by the dozens of windows you're bound to have open, and each taskbar only shows the windows on that particular display. Strongly recommended.

If I may give a comment, I wonder if there is a possibility to ungroup the items but make them looked grouped while retaining the ability to decombine over mouse hover and show labels. Does that make sense? It would be super helpful to those like myself who use 2 monitors.

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