A mysterious virus appears during the Industrial Revolution that transforms infected humans into Kabane (, "corpses") and rapidly spreads. Kabane are aggressive, undead creatures that cannot be defeated unless the glowing golden heart, which is protected by a layer of iron, is pierced, or an important body part (such as the head) is completely severed. Unfortunately, most melee weapons and the steam-pressure guns used by the bushi (, "warriors") are not very effective against them.

The premise of the story is human beings living in iron fortress like cities afraid of being infected by mutant zombies, said mutant zombies are fought by the paranoid law enforcers with specialized weapons and half zombie half human hybrids, our main character is one. Is this starting to sound a bit like Attack on Titan?

Kabaneri Of The Iron Fortress English Dub Download

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I love Attack on Titan for its engrossing (or even just plain gross) concept and storytelling, but aesthetically, it's never been the prettiest girl at the dance. Even when the animation and direction has you on the edge of your seat, most of what you're looking at is brown dirt, brown buildings, and brown uniforms, with the occasional splash of dark gray or forest green. (And the Female Titan arc will probably make you sick of that shade of green too.) As Mikasa says, it's a cruel world, and I guess cruelty comes with a drab color palette. The character designs stand out for their crazy facial expressions and detailed musculature, but it only makes sense that these earthy kids would need to blend into their earthy world. Attack on Titan uses the ugliness of its environment to make its drama stronger. It's a very detailed production, but it's not at all glamorous, and it isn't supposed to be.

No matter how dire the fight becomes, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress always keeps its spirit of adventure high. There are hulk-zombies, dual-wielding samurai zombies, and even titanic blob monsters made of thousands of other zombies, but they all just seem like different levels of video game enemy for our heroes to conquer in jaw-dropping fashion. Ikoma, Mumei, Ayame, and friends have a rascally Hollywood ragtags thing going on that keeps them insulated from any nihilistic death that might befall the poor soldiers of Attack on Titan. That's not to say Kabaneri has no sense of danger, though. The show's action scenes are exhilarating, but the thrill comes more from seeing how the iron train's refugees will survive each checkpoint, rather than if they will survive. The cast is constantly evolving their weaponry and tactics to face each new challenge, and the show's surprising optimism always rewards their efforts. The threats around them get bigger and uglier, but they always piece together a solution with plenty of explosive spectacle for our entertainment.

The environment Kabaneri drops us in looms bleakly over its characters at all times. The setup, from the stations to the struggle, bleeds rich and dark detail. Kabane, zombie-like abominations that spread like wildfire, plague these lands. But despite the horrors pounding on their train doors, our cast manages to hold it all together in the face of death. No character goes unexamined. Every episode touches on a new story in this lovingly delivered world.

Thanks to an unknown virus, a zombie apocalypse breaks out during the Japanese industrial revolution. The cities of the Island Hinomoto are called 'stations', and are connected only by fortress like steam trains. When one of the stations becomes overrun by zombies (referred to in the series as Kabane), the engineer Ikoma gets infected while testing out his new prototype steam gun. He manages to stop the infection from progressing by cutting off the circulation to some parts of his body by binding them with metal. From this point on, Ikoma is a Kabane/human hybrid, or 'kabaneri', and as it transpires, he's not the only one out there.

The world is overrun with Kabane, zombie-like creatures with an appetite for human flesh. While the last of humanity has retreated into fortress-like stations connected by armored trains, there are a few that remain as hopeful as Ikoma. Although he services the trains for a living, Ikoma has created a new weapon that he believes could defeat the Kabane.

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress ( Ktetsuj no kabaneri?, lett. "I kabaneri della fortezza di ferro")  una serie televisiva anime prodotta dalla Aniplex, diretta da Tetsur Araki presso Wit Studio e trasmessa in Giappone nel contenitore noitaminA di Fuji TV dal 7 aprile al 30 giugno 2016[1]. Un adattamento manga  stato serializzato sul Comic Garden della Mag Garden il 2 maggio 2016[3] al 5 novembre 2018, mentre due film riassuntivi per il cinema sono usciti rispettivamente il 31 dicembre 2016 e il 7 gennaio 2017[4]. Un film intitolato La battaglia di Unato  stato distribuito nei cinema giapponesi nel maggio 2019. In Italia il film  stato distribuito da Netflix, e a differenza della serie  stato anche doppiato in italiano.

In fuga verso l'unica locomotiva funzionante, Ikoma scopre che nel frattempo una ragazza di nome Mumei ha fatto strage di gran parte dei kabane nella stazione tutta da sola. Tuttavia mentre Ayame, unica sopravvissuta della famiglia a capo di Aragane, attiva il treno, i kabane tornano all'attacco. Affrontandoli, Ikoma si rende conto che in realt il virus ha fatto effetto sul suo corpo, tanto che la guardia del corpo di Ayame, Kurusu, gli spara facendolo cadere dal vagone. Sfortunatamente, il meccanismo del treno per far calare il ponte levatoio delle mura si rivela essere danneggiato, e cos Ikoma, facendosi strada tra i kabane, abbassa la leva sacrificandosi per gli altri. Riportato per a bordo da Mumei, viene svelata la verit: Ikoma  diventato come lei un kabaneri, ossia un essere vivente a met tra uomini e kabane.

Mentre Ikoma viene fatto tornare in s da Kurusu, una nuova ondata di kabane induce l'equipaggio a ripartire. Tuttavia, siccome le decisioni di Ayame non sembrano essere all'altezza della situazione, i nobili prendono il controllo del treno proseguendo per una scorciatoia pi pericolosa per i monti. Prima che Mumei e Ikoma trovino qualcuno disposto a dargli del sangue per fargli riprendere le energie, i kabane riescono a fare breccia nelle difese. Abbandonato da Mumei, troppo stanca per continuare a combattere, Ikoma ottiene quindi del sangue da Ayame per uccidere un kabane di tipo combattente che stava facendo strage dei soldati. Grazie a ci, l'equipaggio ottiene la vittoria, concordando sul donare a turno d'ora in poi sangue ai kabaneri per usarli in battaglia come loro alleati.

Mentre Ikoma cerca di capire se Biba sia davvero un eroe o meno, un gruppo di cospiratori induce i kabane ad attaccare la stazione. I Liberatori non esitano a uscire fuori allo scoperto per gettarsi in un combattimento ravvicinato coi kabane, ma durante la battaglia Ikoma vede chiaramente Biba uccidere con piacere un assassino inviato col compito di attentare alla sua vita. Poco dopo, Biba offre ad Ayame di fare da scorta al suo treno fino al quartiere fortificato. Ikoma fiuta il pericolo e infatti, dopo aver scoperto che Biba  colui che ha trasformato Mumei in kabaneri, ha la conferma che di lui non ci si pu fidare.

Alle porte della stazione di Iwato, arriva ordine da parte del quartiere fortificato di non far passare il treno dei Liberatori, concreta minaccia per lo shgun. Tuttavia, con uno stratagemma Biba riesce a convincere Mumei a farle abbassare di nascosto il ponte levatoio per mettere al sicuro anche i suoi compagni. Il risultato  immediato: mentre i sottoposti di Biba attirano i kabane nella stazione per seminare il panico, un kabaneri trasformato in colonia fusa crea un varco nelle mura per aprire la strada verso il quartiere fortificato. Sconvolta, Mumei chiede a Biba il perch di tutto ci, scoprendo di l a breve che il suo obiettivo  in realt quello di raggiungere un mondo imparziale dove tutti saranno costretti a combattere e solo il pi forte l'avr vinta. Il prossimo passo  distruggere il quartiere fortificato, ultimo simbolo della codardia umana.

Kabaneri of the Fortress comes from the same studio and director as the smash hit Attack on Titan. Its premise is largely the same, but instead of walled cities being under siege from huge humanoid monsters, humans use fortified trains to protect themselves from kabane, fast-moving zombies that are difficult to kill with their level of technology. The main character, Ikoma, was bitten by a kabane, but managed to stop himself from turning into one. Instead, he is a kabaneri, something between kabane and human. He teams up with Mumei, a 12-year-old fellow kabaneri, to fight the kabane. Most people distrust them, and there is awkward romantic tension between them because, once again, Mumei is a child.

Ikoma's friend and another steam smith who worked on the anti-Kabane gun together with him. Unlike his fearless friend, however, he's a much more cautious and worldly person, and tries to keep Ikoma out of his self-destructive obsessive episodes. BFG: He gets the honor of firing the Type 48 cannon after it's mounted to the Kotetsujou. Brainy Brunette: A brown-haired steam smith. Character Death: He dies after saving Ikoma's life. Cowardly Lion: Is not a fan of fighting the Kabane, but will when push comes to shove. Crazy-Prepared: He took care to don a full ashigaru armor before running through the zombie-infested city to Ikoma. Curtains Match the Windows: Brown hair and brown eyes. My Greatest Failure: He deeply regrets his inaction when the people of the Kotetsujou turned on Ikoma. Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Ran through a Kabane infested city to rescue his friend. Taking the Bullet: Towards the end of Episode 10, he took a fatal bullet to the heart, meant for Ikoma. True Companions: Ikoma's best friend, trusting him even after he admits to having been infected by a Kabane, and leaving the safety of the Kotetsujo to save him. Undying Loyalty: Towards Ikoma. Having unwavering faith in him, Takumi is willing to stand up for Ikoma, even when he was outcast as a Kabane. When they were fighting together, Takumi gave support to Ikoma, believing in him to be capable of saving people in the Kotetsujou. As Ikoma became a kabaneri, in order to sate his hunger, Takumi offered his own blood. Furthered in Episode 10 when he took a bullet and died for Ikoma. 006ab0faaa

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