Blue Christmas Worship 

12.21.20 beginning at 7pm

Why Blue Christmas Worship?

Blue Christmas

Sometimes, December isn't the most wonderful time of the year. Maybe you lost a loved one in the last year and this is the first holiday season without them. Maybe a loved one died years ago, and this time of year reminds you of their absence. Maybe you lost a job and you're not sure what happens next. Maybe your year didn't go the way you thought it would or hoped it would, and you're left feeling disappointed and confused.

In the midst of this busy season, we are going to take a break from the seemingly relentless positivity and acknowledge the big, complex feelings we all hold. On December 21 at 7pm, we will gather for a Blue Christmas service to remember our losses, hold space for experiences that aren't so holly and jolly, and remember the hope and healing that is always offered to us, even in the midst of the darkest night.