11:00 AM Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)


(Refrain) Open hearts, open minds, open doors,

we welcome all who seek to love the Lord.

Bring your joys, bring your burdens, all you rich and poor.

Open hearts, open minds, open hearts, open doors

We gather here to praise and worship;

in our diversity we find a common ground.

We speak a language of one God, one love;

seek the Lord, sing God’s praise with joyful sound.


Today’s chancel flowers are given by Darci & Chelsea Mossbarger, in loving celebration of Pam Martin’s 70th birthday on November 11th. Happy Birthday Mom!

The candelabra used today is a Mexican sculpture called Arbol de la Vida which means "Tree of Life." Traditionally, they include a scene from the Garden of Eden. The one on the altar has Adam, Eve, and the Snake. These are used to celebrate life on earth and after death, and the strong bond that connects them both.

North WWI Memorial Window Restoration

Our beautiful WWI windows have been reinstalled after a long and needed restoration process. What a blessing these windows are to our sanctuary!

Thank you for your pledges in the Comprehensive Campaign to make this possible!