Blue Christmas Worship


In-Person and Live-Streamed Blue Christmas Worship, December 21 at 7:00pm

Why Blue Christmas Worship?

Not everyone feels like celebrating the holidays with great cheer. For those who have experienced the recent loss of a loved one or other serious grief, observance of Christmas may evoke as much melancholy as joy. 2020 has been a year of many challenges for the world, for our nation, and for the church. It has given us, as Christians, much to think about, to pray for, and to do in service. It is in light of this rather sobering year, that we join other churches in offering a Blue Christmas worship on the winter solstice—the longest night of the year. This has been a particularly difficult year to lose a loved one—delayed, or non-existent memorial services, the need for physical distance from friends, church, and relatives. During this service, we will place a star ornament on the church Christmas tree to express gratitude for everything those we remember and honor mean to us.  For all those present (in-person or virtually) today, thank you for being here.