A route to greater happiness, in both the day-to-day enjoyment and long-term fulfillment with who you are and where you are in life is simple: do more of the things you love, and cut back on the things you merely like.

The following is a conversation between Jun Love Young, founder of Beloved Arise, and Christ & Cascadia managing editor, Lauren Pattie. Lauren interviewed Jun about the creation of Beloved Arise, how the organization has innovated to support queer youth of faith, and what Christians in Cascadia can learn from this.

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Jun: Beloved Arise is the first national organization dedicated to celebrating and empowering queer youth of faith. Our work focuses on telling the stories of queer youth of faith, as well as providing resources to help young people navigate the spaces between queerness and faith.

We also try our best to guide youth and young adults towards communities and relationships that are affirming of both their queerness and their faith. We are a multifaith organization, which means we aim to serve young people across religious backgrounds, but especially religious traditions where LGBTQ inclusion falls short.

Jun: We have youth groups throughout the Cascadia area: Northern California, Idaho, Spokane, Seattle, and Portland. And the original young people that helped us to get this off the ground are mostly from the Seattle area, many from the church that I used to attend. But your question about a Christian impact makes me pause.

Lauren: What can Christian faith practitioners looking to innovate in order to love God and neighbor in this place learn from Beloved Arise? What lessons would you like to pass on to those trying to innovate here?

These young followers of Jesus are being persecuted by their church friends, their youth pastors, even their parents, because of their faith in Christ! So, what can we learn from queer youth of faith? We can learn the cost of discipleship!

The young basketball player was intrigued. She has a cousin with an intellectual disability, but as he lives in the United States and Shtylla does not interact with him as much as she would like. Joining a Unified team was an opportunity to understand him better.

Every kid is different, and not every child is naturally drawn to every part of homestead life. But one thing I have noticed seems to be true of just about every kid I know: they love to "work above their pay grade."

While baking bread does fall under the category of "cooking from scratch", it's such an important and unique cooking skill, I think it deserves to stand alone. We bake a loaf of fresh Einkorn bread every day, and my kids love to get in on the process.

My kids loved learning to make bread when they were little. There's something about getting your hands on a pile of bread dough that's just so tactile. Kneading bread can be an especially great activity for sensory-seeking kids.

Even very young children can help to sprinkle scratch grain to chickens, and hold the hose to fill their water buckets. As kids grow in age and maturity, they can start to take on responsibility for feeding and watering smaller animals on their own.

Gathering eggs is probably one of the happiest chores any young child can have. Smaller kids will probably need a stool to reach the nesting boxes, and if you have any nasty hens that are prone to pecking, you may find it necessary to stay close and keep a protective eye out.

Once the eggs are gathered, kids can help to wash them. When each of my kids were first learning to wash eggs, I found that it helped to have them wash the eggs in the shallower bathroom sink, rather than my deep kitchen sink. I put a washcloth or towel in the bottom of the sink, which helped reduce cracking in case any eggs got bumped on the bottom of the sink. I'd run a small and steady stream of warm water, and let the kids take as long as they wanted, carefully washing each egg.

One way that homesteads can be self-sufficient is to hatch and raise each new generation of poultry, rather than buying chickens or ducks from the feed store. Kids LOVE learning to hatch out chicks, ducklings, and quail chicks!

Even the youngest child can help to carefully set eggs in the incubator and turn them each day. As they get a bit older, children may be able to monitor the thermometer and hygrometer, making sure the incubator stays at the right temperature, and adding water if the humidity starts to get too low.

Hand sewing is another important self-sufficiency skill, and many little ones love learning to mend holes in their dolls' clothing. This crafting blogger has several good suggestions for teaching young children to sew, and I'm in strong agreement with her that many children are ready to learn sewing (both hand and machine) at much younger ages than are generally suggested as the usual age for teaching kids to sew.

I also agree with her in skipping those plastic "learn to sew" kits, which are so poorly made they're enough to frustrate anyone. Far better to give a child the correct tool - a real needle and thread - and supervise them very closely. Learning to sew is a very "together" activity, and every stitch is done right next to mom, or even sitting in her lap.

Please hear me that I'm not advocating for just turning kids loose with a sharp needle, any more than we'd turn them loose in the kitchen with a sharp knife. But as with the Montessori model of teaching kids to safely use a knife at a young age, let's do the same with sewing tools, if our kids are ready for them.

Many kids might not be ready for a sewing machine until they're a bit older, but I know there are many of us mothers with children under 6 who have learned to competently sew simple items on the sewing machine. As their parent, you're the expert on your child, and I'd encourage trusting your instinct about when your child is ready to start learning.

My daughter was 5 when she learned to knit. Some kids are ready at 4. Some are ready at 8. Every child is different. If a kid can tie their shoes though, chances are they can also learn to knit if they've got a good attention span, and a strong desire to learn.

For my son, it was all about succeeding in learning a new skill. Once he felt like he'd "done that", he was ready to move on to the next thing. Maybe one of these days he'll want to pick it up again, and if not, that's ok too!

By the time they're 4 or 5, they may be ready for their own little garden. One thing my children love doing over the winter months is getting a small blank scrapbook, then poring over seed catalogs for pictures of all the kinds of vegetables they'd like to grow.

Both of my children also love snapping beans and poking them into the jars before I pressure can green beans, but I personally like to have my children out of the kitchen entirely when I'm using the canner. When they're older, canning is a skill I look forward to passing on to them, but for now, that's one homestead skill that needs to wait.

This is one of my son's favorite homestead tasks! Stacking firewood in the fall uses his muscles and strength in a way that gives him so much joy and fulfillment. He loves saying "I am strong!!!" and showing his little muscles!

Anna Chesley is a freelance writer living a homestead lifestyle, with a special love for family travel, old books, vintage skills, and seaside living. In addition to founding Salt In My Coffee, she runs the website, New England Family Life, as well as The 1800's Housewife, a website devoted to re-creating authentic 1800's recipes.

Watch the films in advance and decide how best to introduce them. Choose the activities you think are most suitable and adapt them as necessary. For example, some young people may need help writing or drawing.

There are so many ways to support our mission through volunteerism and we understand the importance of getting kids involved with philanthropy at a young age. We work with families, student and community groups, troops and more who want to volunteer. To find out about Thanksgiving volunteering, please click here.

We felt truly sprinkled with so much love at our inaugural Young Hearts Friend Fest: Ice Cream Social on September 19, 2022! It was an absolute delight to be surrounded by a community of young philanthropists dedicated to helping our neighbors living with life-altering illness at the one-of-a-kind Museum of Ice Cream. The sweet event brought together our Young Hearts for fun activities, activations, lots of laughs, and heaps of ice cream! Highlights included birthday card decorating for our clients, face painting, custom spray painted hats by Michael Kors, and the sprinkle pool.

Young children learn best through play. And play is natural for children. Engaging your child with math is as important as reading to your child. You can play with your children while helping them learn math.

But if text complexity is not a primary focus of your unit, then you lose nothing by choosing something simpler. There is so much great young adult literature out there now. You can still discuss rich, metaphorical language, deep themes, and subtle shifts in mood and tone, without having to define every word.

Not to mention that there is still a lot of complex vocabulary and sentence structure in young adult novels! But without having to build an understanding of historical and cultural settings that are often necessary when teaching classics, students can devote more time to the rich vocabulary of a young adult novel. 

When choosing young adult literature for your students, you want to look for the same traits you would in any reading. The text should be meaningful and offer your students a way to learn or reflect on life. The writing should be rich, with characters, settings, and plots that capture the imagination. It should expose students to alternate ways of thinking.

I began cartooning when I was very little. Of course children love cartoons, and I was no exception. And I loved to draw. But what I found different about cartooning was that it made my mother smile. She had a difficult life, and it made me happy to make her happy. 0852c4b9a8

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