Korea Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care 


We are pleased to introduce our K-MIMIC database. K-MIMIC (Korea Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care) is an extensive health-related database derived from patients who were admitted to the intensive care units (ICUs) of hospitals in Korea. This database has been established through the support of a grant from the Korea Health Technology R&D Project, managed by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), and funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (grant number: HI21C1074).

K-MIMIC comprises a wide range of data, including electronic medical records, medical images, and vital sign information, serving as a crucial resource for research and development in the field of intensive care medicine.

"K-MIMIC Dataset (Customized Version) for Korea Clinical Datathon 2024" 

Korea Clinical Datathon 2024 is an event closely associated with the K-MIMIC project, which aims to collect a total of  1 million data entries. For the purpose of this Datathon, we are pleased to provide you with a selected subset of this extensive dataset. 

Summary of Data Collection Period and Record Count 

Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

The K-MIMIC database's electronic medical records (EMR) encompass detailed medical information for patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs). While an extensive dataset was collected from multiple centers, only a curated subset of this comprehensive database is being made available for the Korea Clinical Datathon 2024. The Datathon dataset will include data covering a period of three months. The collection and processing of this data were carried out using the IMPACT Platform. 

The EMR data is categorized into five sections: 

Core, Hosp, ICU, ED, and HIS, with each category comprising the following tables: 







which includes data from 3,738 ICU stays of 3,234 patients across Multi-Center.

Patients (unit: person)

ICU Stays (unit: case)

Medical Images

Modality : X-ray 

For the Korea Clinical Datathon 2024, only a customized subset of this extensive database will be made available. This database encompasses a vast amount of medical data collected from a single hospital. The Datathon dataset will include data covering a period of three months and the collection and processing of this data were conducted using the IMPACT Platform. This dataset features medical images, including X-rays, with a total of 452 cases. 

Required Fields for Finding Medical Imaging Data that Matches from EMRs

We extract medical imaging data belonging to a specific modality and category using EMR. The required modality is Medical Imaging (X-ray), the required category is Abdomen Supine, and the required EMR tables are D_TESTITEMS (Hosp), TESTEVENTS (Hosp)

D_TESTITEMS : This pertains to information about imaging tests and intra-departmental functional tests.

TESTEVENTS :  This pertains to information about Patient Imaging Test Records. 

To search for the modality and category of the hospital in the D_TESTITEMS table, we refer to the following columns:

To search for the modality and category of the hospital in the TESTEVENTS table, we refer to the following columns:


Bio-signals(.vital) collected using the Vital Recorder installed on ICU patient monitors.

The Bio-signal dataset is a comprehensive collection of bio-signals (vital signs) obtained from ICU patients with a total of 112 cases. These data were collected using the Vital Recorder installed on ICU patient monitors at a single hospital. Although an extensive database was collected, only a customized subset of this data will be made available for the Datathon. This dataset serves as a valuable resource for researchers and healthcare professionals aiming to study and analyze bio-signals from ICU patients. The comprehensive data collection facilitates advancements in medical research and the improvement of patient care. 

Required Fields for Finding Bio-signal Data that Matches from EMRs

We extract Bio-signal data belonging to a specific modality and category using EMR. The required EMR tables is ICUSTAYS.

ICUSTAYS :  ICU Admission and Discharge Records.  The information pertains to a patient's ICU admissions and discharges, with each stay from admission to discharge being represented by a single ID. 

To search for the modality and category of the hospital in the ICUSTAYS table, we refer to the following columns: