Kristina Valdez Crowson

Masters of Education in School Counseling E-Portfolio

Grand Canyon University

About Me

My name is Kristina Crowson. I am seeking employment a school counselor. I obtained a Masters of Education in School Counseling with Grand Canyon University. Previous education includes a Bachelors of Arts in Communication Studies from New Mexico State University and a Masters of Education in Curriculum & Instruction also from Grand Canyon University. I have been working in education for 8 years, previously as a classroom teacher, a special areas teacher and a gifted teacher. Currently, I work in the Liberty School District as a school counselor. This E-Portfolio is a representation of the essential aspects learned and experienced throughout my time in the school counseling program.

It is my goal to become a champion for all students by supporting them in learning their strengths and helping them to utilize those strengths to guide their success. I am a believer that all students are capable of positive outcomes if they have one caring adult, who sees them, believes in them and promotes their wellbeing. I have the dedication, passion and commitment to becoming a skilled counselor who changes the lives of all those I serve. 

I am originally from New Mexico and currently live in Avondale, Arizona with my husband and two children. 

Kristina Valdez Crowson
School Counselor
Phoenix, Arizona

A thousand mile journey begins with a single step. - Chinese proverb