Data and Statistics

  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

    • The website of UNCTAD. Provides documents related to the United Nations investigations into economic development, and transnational activities. Helpful for definitions and historical research.

  • Strategic Corporate Research

    • A site with helpful guides for researching individual corporations.

  • Online FTZ information system (OFIS)

    • A site maintained by the US government international trade association, highlighting all the free trade zones (also known as special economic zones) in the United States.

  • OECD Statistics

    • Statistics database from the OECD. Includes data for GDP, unemployment, income, population, labour, education, trade, finance, prices, health, debt).

  • Mapping Financial Secrecy

    • A project that attempts to identify the jurisdictions and mechanisms used to facilitate illicit financial flows.

  • Corporations Returns Act

    • Financial and ownership information on corporations conducting business in Canada.


    • A map of different native territories, languages, and treaties in Canada.

Dictionaries, Libraries, and Archives

  • H-Nationalism library

    • H-Nationalism's library, consisting of all books and journal articles relating to nationalism. Very comprehensive.

  • Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences

    • An online dictionary created by Robert Drislane, Ph.D. and Gary Parkinson, Ph.D. from Athabasca University.

  • Nationalism Project

    • A wide variety of resources concerning nation and nationalism. Useful for definitions and summaries of texts.


  • H-Nationalism

    • A discussion network, consisting of a variety of different resources on nationalism, including: annotations, publication lists, calls for presentations/papers, etc.

Teaching Resources

  • Sociologic

    • Miscellaneous links, quotes, photos, and videos vaguely related to sociological theory.

  • Sociology Source

    • A site with sociology resources for teaching.

  • The Sociological Cinema

    • Teaching and learning sociology through video. Great site to use for finding video clips for teaching.

  • Understanding Society

    • A well-written blog covering a variety of topics in the philosophy and history of the social sciences. A good resource for teaching.

  • What Statistical Test Should I Use?

    • From the Institute for Digital Research and Education at UCLA, this site provides a basic table for choosing the correct statistical test.

  • Sociology Game Show

    • A Jeopardy-like flash game about sociological theory and concepts.

  • The Flow of History

    • A great site with both written explanations of historical developments as well as flow charts.



    • The Marxists Internet Archive, consisting of a variety of different works from authors that are in some way linked to Marxist thought/practice, including the entire work of Marx and Engels.

  • Michel Foucault resources

    • A selection of resources on the life and work of Michel Foucault.

  • Martin Shaw on the concept of Civil Society

    • Shaw explores the concept of civil society and its meaning through time. Useful to distinguish between the different ways authors (such as Marx, Hegel, etc.) use the concept.

  • Walter Benjamin Digital

    • An archive of Walter Benjamin's writings.