
About me

Welcome! My name is Jianxiong Wang . In May 2024, I graduated from the University of Connecticut under the supervioson of Prof. Guozhen Lu.

I will be a Hill Assistant Professor at Rutgers University from the fall of 2024. This is my CV. My email address is jianxiong.wang@uconn.edu.

I'm co-organizing an online seminar on Geometric and functional inequalities and applications. You are welcome to subscribe here to join the mailing list.

Research interests

Partial differential equations and harmonic analysis. My recent research focuses on higher order nonlinear equations with conformal  invariance on symmetric space of rank one (e.g. hyperbolic spaces) and symmetric spaces of higher ranks. 

I'm also interested in functional and geometric inequalities from various backgrounds.


Email: jianxiong.wang@uconn.edu

Office: MONT 119

Address: U-1009 341 Mansfield Road, Storrs, CT 06238