James Waterman

I am a Milnor Lecturer at Stony Brook University, since Fall 2021. Previously, I was a Research Associate in the Dynamical Systems group at the University of Liverpool working with Prof. Lasse Rempe. I received my PhD from The Open University under the supervision of Prof. Gwyneth Stallard and Prof. Phil Rippon

My research is mainly in complex dynamics, in particular the iteration of transcendental entire and meromorphic functions.

Email: james.waterman (at) stonybrook (dot) edu

CV: updated October 16, 2023


Eremenko's conjecture, Wandering Lakes of Wada, and Maverick Points. Submitted. [arXiv] (with Martí-Pete, D. and Rempe, L.)

Bounded Fatou and Julia components of meromorphic functions. To appear in Math. Annalen. [arXiv] (with Martí-Pete, D. and Rempe, L.)


Wiman–Valiron Discs and the Dimension of Julia Sets. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021(12), 9545-9566. [Journal]

Identifying logarithmic tracts. Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ, 45 (2020), 739-749. [Journal]

Slow escape in tracts. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 147 (2019), 3087-3101. [Journal]

On the infinitesimal space of UQR mappings. The Journal of Analysis, 24 (2016), 67-81. (with Fletcher, A., Macclure, D., & Wesley, S.)  [Journal]


Iteration in tracts [Link]