In my other project added reference to my library project via project properties. The file has the reference added as expected ie android.library.reference.1=K:/android_test_ws/applicationRegistrar

OK Here is the solution which I found when I was looking for the default.properies file of the referencing project (not the library) in my file system. Although the referencing project was in the same eclipse workspace as the library project, the actual files were somewhere else in the file system ie they were'nt in the same parent folder of the library project. As soon as I placed the referencing project in the same physical folder as the library project it all went fine.

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the same problem will occur if your library project is in different partition from your current workspace. I have the same problem just now. My git source is in C: and I just move my workspace to D: and everything start to collapse.

Simplest way to get the library paths paths correct is to use the GUI from Eclipse to add the library as shown in the following screenshot and let Eclipse take care of putting the correct relative paths in Its a common setup to have your library projects hosted at directories vastly different than your main projects that uses the library. This method will work if the "libary project" and the project using it are in the same eclipse "workspace" (they "need not" be in same parent folder):

Please ensure that the library project is marked as "Is Library" - right click on the library project - properties - Android - mark the "Is Library" checkbox - in of the library project you should have a new entry:"android.library=true. Now add it into the project you want as described in the post below.(the post with image integrated - from Nilesh Pawar).

The I edited the "" file and put the absolute path(with forward slashes '/' for seperator) of the library project. Saved and closed it. Then went to the project properties dialog, removed the library(which was still showing the cross icon but with abs path) and added it back as usual.Surprisingly the issue is resolved, and the project compiles and runs.

when developer referencing the facebook or any other library project then first of all clean the project from eclipse->project->clean project.that want allow the error of red cross in referencing screen.

I mean first time it showing red marks after adding the library project. Though eclipse main project and library project are in same workspace folder and no resources files are in outside of the project folder.

What worked for me was to delete the 'library' projects (the actual projects) from my workspace (without deleting the files), and then re-importing them using the wizard (import existing android project from source code).

Thanks for posting the question. I had exactly the same problem while integrating Facebook with my Android application. I fixed the issue by moving my development project to the same Windows drive in which library project was located. Somehow Eclipse is unable to read the library project's location properly from file if it is in a different drive.

Similar to Sufi Khan's post I also solved this issue with a reboot. My case differed in that when I first accessed Properties->Android and added the library I got a lovely green checkmark. When I closed the dialog Eclipse was still showing class-not-found type errors. When I checked the properties again I saw the red X. But Mr. Kahn's solution (delete the bad lib, restart Eclipse, add the lib again) worked fine.

I am trying to migrate a project from Eclipse but nothing I have tried is working. In Eclipse I have 3 projects (2 android app projects and 1 android library project). The 2 app projects depend on the library project. When I do the gradle export I get 3 projects that don't work. I am open to restructuring the project but haven't found any documentation on how this should be done.

As of 0.1.2 you can now include compile "" instead of compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar'). Since it is coming from mavin now you can include this in multiple projects without problems.

I am new to Android development (three days). I've been developing iOS for the last 4 years. I went through Google's official documentation and tutorials to get a feel for the platform (I don't want it to be obvious that an iOS guy was writing the library).

So as I said, I need to create an Android Library and deliver the .jar file to the clients. I would like this Android Studio project to be a standalone library project with its own unit tests. I don't want to create an unnecessary App project, and then add an Android Library module to it. I want to create a separate App project which will include this .jar file, so I can test it in the way it will reach our clients.

I've seen a lot of options online for how to accomplish this, but all of them seem a bit "hacky" (e.g. rename this folder, change that app-project-setting and make it a library project). Is there no way to create a Library project from a new project wizard in Android Studio?

Now open the librarie's 'build.gradle' file. Make sure to open the file from exact same folder which is named with your library name, because there are a couple of 'build.gradle' files all over the place. Remove support-library entry from the file:

You can create Library Project instead of Normal Project,then your output product will be a jar or aar as you configured.If your library has resources then build it as aar,or it will be jar.

If your library project have resources or will use API of Android,then choose Android Library,else choose Java Library,Android Library will build aar as product whild Java Library build jar product.

You android app is a native kotlin/java app and directly loads your native shared library which uses JUCE. For this, you will probably have created your native android app with Android Studio. For the shared library, create a shared library JUCE project with the Projucer (or cmake). Make sure that your JUCE project compiles fine. Then your native android app will need to load the shared library from Java/Kotlin via System.loadLibrary. After this you will need to call com.roli.juce.Java.initialiseJUCE() from Java on every thread that will call into your native shared library.

Barrier tape is a great way to get a user's attention or alert them when a feature of your app is unavailable. This library allows you to create a barrier tape of different colors and shapes. It can be used as a background for any View or as content of ImageView

This Gradle plugin allows using Byte Buddy on Android. All of the instrumentation tools that Byte Buddy supports are adapted to any Android project with this plugin, that way you can build your own class transformations for your project or even as a library for other projects to use.

Easy-Checker is a very simple input validation library for Android written in Kotlin and easily accessible from Java code as well. You will get many validation way or library. But most of them are not so easy for this simple task, that's why most of time time we go for legacy if else chain to check all the input fields, and we all know how disturbing is that.

You can use this lightweight library to implement the attachment feature (taking pictures using the camera, picking up files/images from the gallery or file system, or google drive). The library helps you to simplify all the processes related to picking files without worrying about system permissions.

For the time being, the composable Text layout doesn't provide any HTML support. This library fills that gap by exposing the composable HtmlText layout, which is built on top of the Text layout and the Span/Spannable Android classes.

For formatting text in android like what whatsapp does. Any text enclosed with s will be bolded, any text enclosed within _s will be italicized. Example : "Hello* World!" will become "Hello World"with Hello bolded and "_Hello _ World!" will become "Hello World" with Hello italicized.

In your module (app-level) Gradle file(usually //build.gradle.kts or//build.gradle),add the dependencies for theFirebase productsthat you want to use in your app. We recommend using theFirebase Android BoM to controllibrary versioning.

Do you want an easier way to manage library versions?

 You can use the Firebase Android BoM to manage your Firebase library versions and ensure that your app is always using compatible library versions.

The latest Firebase BoM version contains the latest versions of each Firebase Android library. To learn which library versions are mapped to a specific BoM version, review the release notes for that BoM version.

Glide is an image loading library focused on smooth scrolling. Glide ensures image loading is both as fast and as smooth as possible by applying smart automatic down-sampling and caching to minimize storage overhead and decode times. It also re-uses resources like byte arrays and automatically releases application resources where necessary. At the time of writing, Glide's latest version requires a minimum SDK of API 14 (Android 4.0) and requires a compile SDK of API 26 (Android 8.0) or later.

Picasso is another great image library for Android. It's created and maintained by Square, a company that is heavily dependent and contributor to the open source world, that caters to image loading and processing. By using Picasso, the process of displaying images from external locations is simplified. Picasso supports complex image transformations, automatic caching to disk, ImageView recycling, and download cancellation in an adapter.

Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java developed and maintained by Square (the same company that supports Picasso). Retrofit is the most used networking library in Android development. In Retrofit, with just annotations, you can easily add a request body, manipulate endpoints, manipulate headers, add query parameters, and choose request methods. Retrofit also handles parsing to POJOs very well by using converters. ff782bc1db

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