MAAE Labor Economics and Human Resource Economics

Course Information


Course Descriptions


Course Management

Office Hours


Suggested Textbooks


Course Schedule, Topics, and Readings (updated January 19)

December 6 18:00-21:00 - Introduction to Labor Economics and Labor Demand (Aj. Jessica Room 416)

December 12 18:00-21:00 - Labor Demand Elasticities (Aj. Jessica Room 416)

December 14 9:00-12:00 - Labor Supply (Aj. Sasiwimon Room 210

December 15 9:00-12:00 – Labor Supply, Household Production, and the Family (Aj. Sasiwimon Room 210)

December 15 13:00-16:00Gender Discrimination (Aj. Sasiwimon Room 210)

January 8 13:00-16:00 – Gender Wage Gaps (Aj. Sasiwimon Room 210)

January 10 9:00-12:00 – Frictions in the Labor Market (Aj. Sasiwimon Room 210)

January 10 13:00-16:00Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration (Aj. Sasiwimon Room 210)

January 13 9:00-12:00 Human Capital: Education and Health (Aj. Sasiwimon Room 512)

January 13 13:00-16:00Investment in Human Capital and Training (Aj. Sasiwimon Room 512)

January 17 18:00-21:00 - Household decision - Intrahousehold Resource Allocation and Bargaining (Aj. Jessica Room 416)

January 20 9:00-16:00 Empirical Project (Aj. Jessica Room 416)

January 22 18:00-21:00 Joint Labor Supply and Fertility Decisions (Aj. Jessica Room 416)

January 23 18:00-21:00 - Pay and Productivity + Compensating Wage Differentials (Aj. Jessica Room 416)

January 27 9:00 - 12:00 - Quiz #4 and Empirical Project Presentations (Aj. Jessica Room 416)