Justin Stewart Weed

Justin Stewart Weed's journey unfolded in the crucible of the United States Marines, an experience that exposed him to an entirely new facet of life. Serving as a scout sniper, he bore witness to and navigated through situations that demanded courage, unwavering problem-solving skills, and exceptional leadership abilities. His resolve was tested during his two deployments in Afghanistan, yet his spirit remained unbroken, a testament to his tenacity and adaptability.

Upon completing his four-year service with honor, his professional journey returned him to Texas State University, where he focused his studies on construction science and management. Here, his relentless work ethic and dedication bore fruit as he graduated, marking his official entry into the dynamic world of the construction industry.

Over more than a decade, his unwavering commitment and adaptive leadership would define his professional career in the construction industry. These exceptional qualities propelled him to achieve the prestigious Project Manager of the Year Award 2017 at Journeyman Construction. This well-deserved recognition underscored his unyielding work ethic and dynamic leadership prowess. But his commitment to excellence didn't stop there. In the same year, he led his project team to achieve the highest revenue at Journeyman Construction—an outstanding accomplishment that further showcased his diligence and unmatched expertise.

Beyond his thriving professional life, Justin Stewart’s diverse interests reveal the multifaceted nature of his character. His deep fascination with Design, Build, Woodworking, and an enduring passion for Fishing paint a rich and varied portrait of his persona. These pursuits transcend mere pastimes; they are the canvases upon which he expresses his tireless work ethic and innovative thinking.

Kindled by his father during his early years, both hobbies offered him more than mere amusement—they became vehicles for his creativity and outlets for his inventive spirit. His initial venture into woodworking dates back to a fourth-grade project, where he meticulously explored various fasteners for joining two pieces of wood together, foreshadowing his future craftsmanship.

Growing up in Corpus Christi, Fishing wasn't just a weekend diversion but a cherished tradition. Justin Stewart Weed's father often joined him on fishing excursions, strengthening their bond and imparting invaluable values of patience and perseverance—virtues that would later prove indispensable in his adult life. For him, these hobbies are not merely relaxing pastimes but opportunities to continually refine his skills and techniques. They are more than hobbies; they are his profound means of connecting with the world around him.