May Dianne T. Zerna

Bachelor in Business Teacher and Livelihood Education major in

Information Communication and Technology

"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated" -Maya Angelou

Hello, I'm May!

I am a 4th year student at Polytechnic University of the Philippines with the course of Bachelor in Business Teacher and Livelihood Education Major in ICT. I am a jolly person, and I love to hang out with my closed friends. Travelling gives me pleasure. I always capture beautiful moments and places that I am with. The thought of those happy moments and beautiful places makes me happy. I am an ambitious person and a dreamer. My dream is to become a teacher. I think a teacher is a big motivator and guide. I would like to motivate people and guide them to do good for society.


Justice Cecilia MuΓ±oz Palma Highschool MOA.pdf

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)


School Memorandum (Face-to-Face Practice Teaching and Final Demonstration Evaluation)

CamScanner 07-20-2022 20.17.pdf

Evaluation Form

( Instrument for PT Regular )

Zerna Evaluation-Instrument-for-Cooperating-Teacher.docx

Evaluation Form

( Instrument for Cooperating Teacher )


Zerna_Weekly Journal 1.docx


Zerna_Weekly Journal 2.docx


Zerna_Weekly Journal 3.docx


Why I chose Justice Cecilia MuΓ±oz

Palma High School?

Honestly, I don't really know this school, not until my classmate who is graduated at this school that it is one of the biggest and excellent schools in Quezon City because there are so many good teachers here and I believe that these teachers will help and guide us as we embark on our practice teaching journey and give us advice that we will treasure for the rest of our lives. .Additionally, I think this institution has a great reputation for the quality of its teaching and the outstanding manners of its students.

First Day of Deployment

This was the day that Ma’am Jonalyn V. Obligado, my CT, introduced me to her students. These students are from Grade 7, and they are four sections. This day I had mixed feelings because I was very nervous even though it was only online because I don't know the students yet and also since it was my first time, I don’t know what I am going to say yet nonetheless I’m super happy because finally I will meet all jolly and very kind students from Grade 7.

Encounter with the Students

I had a great time interacting with my students; I was pleasantly surprised by how engaged and energetic they all were in class, especially in the advisory class of my cooperating teacher. They were highly engaged in the session, so even though I was teaching them online, I didn’t have a hard time to teach them. They are not just engaged in class and do well, but they are also good students. They treat me with the same kindness and respect that they show to my cooperating teacher.

Encounter with the Teachers

My interactions with the teachers have a great deal of meaning for me. I did not find it difficult to practice teaching because of these teachers, they did not fail to support and guide us in what we do as student teachers. And I will go on the knowledge and advices that they give to us. Meeting this outstanding teacher is a privilege. I learned a lot from them.

Encounter with the Principal

Even though we only had a short time to meet the principal, we felt welcomed and accepted by him wholeheartedly. his kindness and humbleness is super wondrous. We strive to be the greatest teachers we can be because of the inspiration he gave us.


My Takeaways

I have learned so much over this semester of student teaching, and there have been so many successes and problems. I have been forced out of my comfort zone, and as a result, I have significantly improved as a teacher.

My student teaching experience has been the best, most informational and inspiring experience in many years. My student teaching experience taught me a lot of things that will influence how I teach for years to come. Being confident is the largest and most significant lesson I gained during my student teaching experience. Even though it was online, and I was teaching my students material that I knew inside and out at the beginning of the semester, I was a little nervous. But after a few weeks, I felt more at ease speaking in the class. This experience has taught me that when you face your students with a happy and assured approach, students are far more likely to buy into your lecture and pay attention to you. My students and I both enjoyed teaching more after I felt more comfortable in the classroom. And also the most important thing i have learned in teaching is to consider the students, in everything you teach and do in class you need to consider your students, if the lesson is easy for them, and if they understand it. Engagement with the students are very important.


(with our Cooperating Teacher)

Field Study Online Orientation

Practice Teaching face-to-face Orientation


7- Camia

7- Carnation

7- Chrysanthemum

7- Clover



Quarter 4 - Week 1
Using and Maintaining Hand Tools


Quarter 4 - Week 2
Maintain Hardware Tools and Equipment


Quarter 4 - Week 3
Performing Computer Operations


Quarter 4 - Week 5
Storage Capacity and Storage Drives


Field Study Assessment

Field Study Supervisor's Assessment.pdf
Field Study Supervisor Assessment
Students Field Study Assessment.pdf
Student's Field Study Assessment