Bachelor in Business Teacher and Livelihood Education major in

Information Communication and Technology

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life"


Hi! I am Joana Rhea B. Rodulfo, 4th year college student at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in the BBTLED-ICT course, 22 years of age and was born on March 12, 2000. Ever since I was a child I really wanted to be a teacher. Now that I am older, I want to be a teacher with a strong dedication to life. I love teaching because I am able to share my knowledge in a variety of ways, as well as the privilege of learning from the experience of others and from my future experiences in this type of profession. I like the feeling that you have helped and been a part of the success of others. They will be able to benefit from my expertise and experiences. It is also the satisfaction that comes from being part of someone's achievement.


Justice Cecilia MuΓ±oz Palma Highschool MOA.pdf

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)




School Memorandum (Face-to-Face Practice Teaching and Final Demonstration Evaluation)


Evaluation Instrument for Cooperating Teacher


Evaluation Instrument for PT Regular








Why I chose Justice Cecilia MuΓ±oz Palma High School?

I first had questions about the school because I didn't know it quite well. Justice Cecilia Munoz Palma High School is one of the schools nearest to my residence, that is the first reason why I choose it. According to my classmate who attended there and is now an alumni, it is likewise a large school. Apart from the fact that the teachers are good and the facilities are clean and modern, it is best for the students to learn and hone their abilities there. Despite the fact that it was constructed near to a noisy road. I was impressed that teachers continued to teach their students despite this obstacle. In that sort of a school and environment, I wanted to learn and practice teaching there.

School Visiting

When we were taking online classes at JCMPHS and in the observation phase. My critique teacher, Mrs. Rodelyn Delos Santos, welcomed me to the school so I could see and observe what was going on with the module retrievals. I got to know some of the Grade-8 T.L.E. teachers, and I also assisted them in sorting the modules. Then I had the opportunity to take a school tour. There are many facilities that are clean and spacious, but others, like the library, science lab, and computer lab, are closed because there is no longer an option for online classes.

First day of deployment

My critique teacher Mrs. Rodelyn Delos Santos was very kind and approachable. She introduced me to her class for the first time on this day. They are using Google Meet for their classes. I've never had an experience like this before, so it's enjoyable and thrilling for me. Students in grade 8 online classes from five sectionsβ€”Egypt, Chile, Kuwait, Nepal, and Turkeyβ€”will be in the class I'll be managing. I'm eager to teach them and develop my teaching techniques. I will learn a lot from the students because they all have unique skills and behaviors.

Encounter with the students

My first encounter and teaching experience with students was in their online T.L.E. class. I am handling two classes every monday and tuesday and a total o four classes every week. Grade-8 students from section Egypt, Chile, Kuwait and Nepal. My other class Turkey is in modular that’s why we are not actually seeing each other every week. This time, I am not observing but I will be the one teaching them, which is a welcome change. I was a bit nervous because I couldn't see my students and didn't feel like I had someone to talk to in class, it took me some time to get used to the new situation. Additionally, I was being observed by my critique teacher, who was in the class, which added to my nervousness. I needed to encourage myself from the students because I wasn't sure whether they were still paying attention or what. I eventually learned how to do that better. Mrs. Delos Santos, my critique teacher provided me after my class with suggestions and feedback on how did my class went, what are the techniques on how to grab my students' attention while teaching etc..

Encounter with the teachers

My encounter with the teachers was one of the great parts of my teaching practice. TLE department teachers. They have different ways of teaching, behaving, and communicating but still have the same goal. There are teachers who are very kind and will give you advice on successful teaching, there are also teachers who are kwela and you can joke and laugh, there are also strict and careful movements. Although there are many differences, you will notice that they have only one purpose, and that is to be able to teach and impart wisdom to children. I often spend time with them whenever I go to school and help with their module release and retrieval. It’s funny because even my critique teacher seems to have more than one on the advice and support they give me.

Encounter with the principal

The first time I saw the principal was when I also first visited the school. He was touring and observing the faculties back then. When he got used to the TLE faculty warm greetings I made with my co-st and teachers. I can say that he is kind and cheerful. With the respect given to him and I can say that he is also a great principal. And that can really be proven by the beauty and cleanliness of the school as well. Staffs who are always asking and congratulating and teachers who are talented. It is difficult to run a school especially when you are doing it alone. But if you are a strong and good principal you will guide all your classmates in the school you hold.

Experience with my Critique Teacher

Mrs. Rodelyn Delos Santos is a supportive and understanding critic. I like the most about her is that she is very personable and well-organized. Being organized in your possessions reflects well on you. She provided me with advise and direction that I used every day while I practiced teaching. She make sure that everything is clear and my opinions are heard especially when we are going to do something that helps me in my field study. Always giving her full effort, support, guidance and making my professional act more impressive. We have our serious moments and also the happy ones. Sometimes she’s strict but most of the time she is jolly. She is my sister, my friend, and my role model. An explanation of an ideal critique teacher <3


The date of my final teaching demonstration in Grade 8 SARDO is June 9, 2022. I have my lesson plan and part of my instructional materials ready one week before my demonstration teaching. I have been working on it day and night. Yes, the fact that I'm sleep deprived is quite difficult. Final demo instruction requires significant sacrifices and work. When my cooperating teacher watched my pre-demo, she gave me some feedback on how to make my final teaching demonstration better and she also said that it is already looked like a real demonstration. And when the day came, I started to sweat and felt quite anxious. Even though I know I can't, I must. I am ready and understand how my lesson plan will proceed, therefore I shouldn't feel anxious or nervous in front of my students or the observers who will be giving me grades. I convince myself that when this presentation lesson is through, I'll be the happiest person alive and with that I will feel relieved to finally be able to sleep or relax without worry. The saying "experience is the best teacher" is true, and you may learn a lot from your experiences. The best of my demonstration lessons was the last one. Thanks to my cooperating teacher, it was successfully completed rather than just completed. I enjoyed spending time with my pupils, especially while I was teaching and taking part in the activities. Throughout my entire teaching career, I will undoubtedly treasure those moments.


I gained a lot of knowledge from my practice teaching. You may learn a lot by having several experiences. Many lessons can be learned from experience in practice teaching that you can apply to real-world circumstances. Like, being kind to those you encounter on a daily basis since you never know what role they will play in your life. Even though they may only be students right now, they might one day work for you. I'm trying to suggest that life is cyclical. Second, always acting professionally. It's important to adapt your persona to your environment or circumstances, rather than always acting formally. Third, give everything you have if you truly desire something. You must exert all of your efforts and provide for yourself. You will achieve the greatest of the best by doing that. You won't regret it. Fourth, you need to have a realistic outlook on teaching. You don't need to act fake. Teach your students practical abilities and knowledge that they may utilize away from the classroom. Teach them what will be of use. Fifth, believe in your cooperating teacher because they have the necessary experience. When it comes to teaching, they have a lot of knowledge. Last but not least, keep going after your goals and don't give up. There are no obstacles. Every event has a purpose and e everything serves a value. All that is required of you is that you give it your best effort. Life has many surprises, therefore you must be ready.









Field Study Online Orientation

Practice Teaching Face-to-Face Orientation





