The bar opened more than 80 years ago on the western edge of Atlantic Avenue, just a few blocks from the Brooklyn Waterfront. Visiting sailors and longshoremen from the docks and shipping yards were among the regulars over the years, and while the interior remains a museum to all things nautical, the clientele these days range from devoted neighborhood regulars to post-shift restaurant and bar workers to grad students to karaoke devotees (more on that in a moment).

If you have brave friends, I suggest filling out a slip with their name and favorite karaoke song. My friends always give the best performances when they don't have time to get nervous or try to prepare while they wait for their name to be called.

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What makes karaoke at Montero special?

Gaby: Amethyst, who seemingly runs the entire karaoke operation, will sing with anyone who is feeling shy or whose song choice isn't riling up the crowd. She's the ultimate hype woman and absolutely the reason karaoke at Montero is so fun.

What makes karaoke at Montero special?

Kendra: If you hit it right, you'll probably see some other industry people you know there. It always seems to be just the right amount of people. It's DIY in a good way (shout-out to Amethyst who runs the karaoke operation, she even had little hats for the mics for COVID protection) and if you are the kind of person who wants to sing 10 songs because you can't decide on one, and I'm not saying that is me, Amethyst will hook you up to sing your heart out all night. Please tip her generously!!!!

What makes karaoke at Montero special?

Gaby: Amethyst, who seemingly runs the entire karaoke operation, will sing with anyone who is feeling shy or whose song choice isn't riling up the crowd. She's the ultimate hype woman and absolutely the reason karaoke at Montero is so fun.

Is there a karaoke song you never want to hear again? 

Ali: I could go a lifetime without hearing \u201CWagon Wheel\u201D at karaoke again, but if I do, I just hope it's not the Darius Rucker version, which is just karaoke to begin with.

What makes karaoke at Montero special?

Ally: The set-up is my absolute favorite!!! It\u2019s in the heart of the space in front of the restrooms, there\u2019s no hiding! Everyone can easily get involved and they tend to! I love that karaoke at Montero is always a group effort in the best way. Is there a song you never want to hear anyone ever sing again at karaoke (anywhere, not just Montero)

What makes karaoke at Montero special?

Patty: Obviously, Amethyst is an icon. I\u2019ve never wanted someone to like me more in my life. I feel like I need the validation from her and I will never get it. But nine times out of ten, it\u2019s a really supportive crowd. Also I always feel like there\u2019s somebody famous there. An actress from Glow, someone from Broadway, a comedian who looks familiar, the Australian National Rugby team\u2014there\u2019s always somebody kind of famous there. But even if you\u2019re not the best singer as long as you give it your all people will come after and say, \u201Cgreat job!\u201D As someone who isn\u2019t a great singer I don\u2019t feel comfortable about doing karaoke, but there\u2019s something about Montero\u2019s where it\u2019s like, OK, yeah, I\u2019ll sing a song.

What are you singing?

Jack: My go-to song for any karaoke is \u201CMovin' Out (Anthony's Song)\u201D by Billy Joel. The \u201CACK ACK ACK ACK\u201D part is just too fun. It's not terribly difficult to sing so you can really wail, but the \\\"Ah-HOO-HOO\\\" at the beginning is actually really tough to nail, which sets the perfect tone for slightly drunk karaoke. I'm here to have fun, sing hard, but also make some crazy noises. One note about Billy Joel Songs\u2014they only hit in the tri-state area. I tried it at Santa's Pub in Nashville (another all time great karaoke bar) and was met with a lot of blank stares. Mister Joel's power wanes the farther you get from MSG.

What makes karaoke at Montero special?

Kendra: If you hit it right, you'll probably see some other industry people you know there. It always seems to be just the right amount of people. It's DIY in a good way (shout-out to Amethyst who runs the karaoke operation, she even had little hats for the mics for COVID protection) and if you are the kind of person who wants to sing 10 songs because you can't decide on one, and I'm not saying that is me, Amethyst will hook you up to sing your heart out all night. Please tip her generously!!!!

Sometimes, you're just really feeling yourself. If one such occasion finds you while you're at karaoke, then these songs are for you. You are striking and powerful, so why wouldn't your song reflect that?

Best part to sing: "Go-go music really makes us dance / Doing the pony puts us in a trance / The Watusi, just give us a chance / That's when we fall in line' / Cause we got the beat / We got the beat / We got the beat / Yeah, we got it!"

Eddie Money has many perfect songs for karaoke and this one is a great way to end the night. But like Journey, Eddie Money has some singing chops, so make sure you have the power to pull this tune off and you may just impress the person you want to take you home!

Tell me you have enough of our love..i guess it is saying that the other is fed up in their relationship.But still, she doesn't understand why it is all happening in their somehow perfect relationship.She is still hoping for their relationship to work out..fighting for it..even it it hurts her so much..the tears..she's holding it back..cause she truly believes that they must never give up on their relationship.just give me seems that her partner isn't working to fix their relationship,perhaps he's cold hearted...but still,just a lil reason will be enough..just a lil love....and she's fine..she'll be okay even with that little reason...its not broken just she'll do all her best effort to fix it..and continue their somehow "perfect" love...yes, its not going to be easy,especially if its just seems to be unfair..but still hoping that its all worth it.... 0852c4b9a8

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