Rant: Instant Regret

I literally can't forgive myself. I'm crushing on this boy and I decided to text him after the class because I felt like he noticed me a lot today in class. And so I texted him and then I left it and felt good. Until he responded with some dry and grammatically correct response. But at the same time what I asked him was pretty dry as well. But sis didn't even say 'hey' or 'hi' before answering my question. And then my dumb self decided to ask him AnOtHeR question, I know, stupid. And that one was even more dry. Like how could I boy I barely even known for a month make me act so thirsty. Like I can't believe myself, like I don't even want to go to that class anymore because I don't know how he's feeling about the whole exchange. Like as if this isn't bad enough my delusional and delirious self is ALREADY planning to ask this lil boy to be my valentine like huh? I'm okay, like what is this? I don't know whats wrong with me because I never really felt this eager and this way, ig, about somebody. UGGGHHHHH and its prolly not gonna go far and I wasting my time and embarrassing myself. I need some sleep. If this boy magically see this idek what to say. Like bye america, I'm officially done.

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