Rant/Personal Story: Guilt

Um, hi. It's me again. I feel guilty. When I hear stories of SA, I always hear the victims feeling horrible and traumatized after it. I don't feel any of that. I feel guilty that I don't feel traumatized or that I don't break down or something when I think about it. I don't even act that different around him. I feel like there should have been more of a change or a shift in the way I function especially around him but there isn't. I'm just numb. I heard somewhere that your brain represses traumatic memories so they don't affect you as much so that might be what's happening but I feel like I'm supposed to feel worse and because I don't, I feel extremely guilty. I mean, it may eventually catch up to me someday but in the mean time, I'll wallow in my guilt I guess. Don't forget to take care of yourself! Have a nice day! :) - πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ

*SA- Sexual Assault

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