The Beauty Of Taking Risks

By Mae Ermac (Writer)

During my teenage years, I never got to explore and do the things that I really love to do because I was afraid. I was afraid to fail and to disappoint those who believed in me. I never took the risk of getting out of my comfort zone simply because it is where I felt the safest. I was afraid that if I get out from my comfort zone and things didn’t go as planned people will judge me. And my young and vulnerable self at that time cannot handle judgements.

But when I reached the young adulthood stage of life, that is where I started to regret things. I questioned myself a lot on why I didn’t take advantage of my teenage years and made the most out of it. Now that I am in my early 20’s with a pandemic going on I feel like I am running out of time. The pressure is slowly building up and I feel like I am being my teenage self once again; afraid to the take risk because of the fear of failure.

But then, I remember that time when I conquered my fear of heights. It took me years to actually have the courage to try zip-lining or anything that involves height. I was afraid but nonetheless, I took the risk and when I finally did it actually felt amazing, it feels like I was free from shackles that has been depriving me of enjoying life. Frightening but freeing. And that is where I realized that life is short to just let my fear overpower me. I should take the risk and make my life worth living.

I shared to you my story to remind you to not be afraid of taking risks. It’s easier said than done but the beauty of taking risks is that even if you fail; you’ll learn. At least you tried than forever live a life wondering about the what if’s. Have the courage to step out of your comfort zone and test your limits. Because I believed that you can reach greater heights and I want you to believe in yourself too. Explore life and conquer your fears today because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Do things that will make you truly happy. Don’t mind whatever judgement other people will throw to you because it is your life to live and not theirs.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Hellen Keller, The Open Door

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