Socially Active!

"As the years go by, I realize that I don't really have anyone to depend on or even properly communicate with. Sure, theres small talk, but I can't have full conversations with anyone. It's not that I'm incapable either, it's just that no one ever considers it. I have to be the initiator most of the time and I don't think that's how it is for most of the people in our school. I just don't know where to go with it at this point. What would you suggest, should I give it up or keep trying? Also, have a good day Deborah." -Anonymous

Well you came to the right place! If you personally know me I'm a social butterfly, but I used to struggle to make friends. You should never give up; your friends are waiting for you. Don't let a few flops and failures get you down. You can make friends or have more natural conversations by showing different sides of yourself. For example, use group work or breakout rooms to meet new people and show them a side of yourself they've never seen before. That'll have them thinking about how cool and amazing you are and therefore more open and willing to strike a conversation with you outside a school setting. Another way to meet people is via clubs. Clubs are amazing ways to meet like-minded peers. It allows you to talk in a more lighthearted setting about similar and common interests. I hope this helps and keep me posted on your journey. If you need any more follow-up advice you know where to find me ;)

Much love,

Deborah β™‘

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