Online Friendships or Relationships

By Charlize G (Writer)

Because of the pandemic the place we spend the most time in is the Internet. It is used to communicate with people whether you knew them before or you just met online. Its common for people’s socialization to go down and with that we found the Internet as a way to fix that by interacting with people and making online friendships or relationships. This article will be discussing about online friendships/relationships, how to make them and safety precautions.

Making friends online is easy. you always have someone to talk to and you can talk about things that you’re not comfortable sharing with to your real life friends, this helps you learn from different perspectives. As I said, it gives you easy access to people around the world where you can learn about their cultures and different things they do in their daily lives. It also helps people find common interests, you can start a friendship based on it. It’s easier to make conversations especially if you are a shy person, you can always think about what you wanna talk about or if you wanna stop talking to them. lastly, making online friendships may improve your self esteem and confidence. You can be yourself without worrying about the judgement you’ll receive.

When making online friends, always remember to be kind. Know that behind a screen, there’s always a human there with feelings. Be yourself, don’t make a fake stand just to impress people, they would rather see who you really are and it would be uncomfortable. Find groups that have the same interests as you. It’s easier to make conversations and there’s a higher chance that you will get along. Friendships usually mean it’s not a one way thing, you both have to create effort for each other, so make sure to care about them and remember that there’s always another side.

Although you can meet good and interesting people online, we still have to be safe and conscious with the decisions we make online.

It is always important to never share personal information such as address, phone number, family members and etc. It’s okay to talk about interests, hobbies and problems but do not give private information that may be a threat to you and the people around you. Always think before you speak.

In conclusion, online friendships has its pros and cons. It’s good to make them as long as you are self aware and conscious about the actions you make online. They will always be there for you but don’t forget that you also have a social life outside of the Internet.

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