Mixed Personalities.

"My mom is very moody. She'll be laughing with me one day and then screaming/yelling at me the next. Every time we start to make progress we take 10 steps backward. She's also very demanding which makes it hard for me to focus on school and my future when I'm constantly tending to her needs and request, that she is more than capable to do. Its been so hard because school use to be my safe haven, but not its been ripped from under me. I'm stuck and literally don't know what to do". -Anonymous

I feel youuuuu. Its very hard to be stuck at home with family, especially when tensions are at an all time high. I know how it hard it can be to form a connection your parents when they are constantly being moody and when they're easily pissed off. The best thing is to stay positive and strong and weather through this storm. In regards to having to help her with all these request while trying to learn remotely is another struggle I know all to well. Your her child and you can't refuse to help her out, but try to speed trough and continue with your school work. And if its really out of hand try to explain the importance of school and your education and how doing these task are effecting you ability to complete your school work. I wish you the best in your future endeavors and if you need any more follow-up advice you know where to find me ;)!

Much love,

Deborah β™‘

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