"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing’"-Walt Disney

Now that we are on zoom school and google meets it hard to find motivation to be productive, and I don't blame you. Yelling parents and crying sisters don't help you focus at all. However, we need to be productive in order to pass this academic year with flying colors. So here is a short list of how to be productive during remote learning.

1.Set aside separate workspace. Logging onto classes while in bed is tempting your body to doze off while your teacher is reviewing whats over a test. Sit at a table or go to a separate room with a more peaceful working environment.

2.Take deserved breaks. Whether that be spent watching Tiktoks, eating some snacks, or taking a breath of fresh air.

3.Put your best foot forward. I mean this very literally, dress as you would at school don't wear PJ's cause it won't make staying awake in class any easier.

4.Go to office hours or extra helps sessions. Even if you don't have any questions. It could help increase your productivity. And if you do have questions go to these sessions it could only benefit you

5.Create a schedule and prioritize. Stick to your schedule and make sure it reflects your top priorities. This will help improve your time management skills.

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