Dealing with Peer Pressure

By Vaishnavi Kale (Writer)

Peers are the people who belong to the same social group. Peer pressure is the direct influence that peer have on each other. Now peer pressure can have negative as well as positive influences on the teen. Generally it depends on the peers. If the peers are good then the influence will be positive like if they study hard then it can happen in peer pressure that a person who is not at all studious becomes studious and perform better in academics. At the same time it can have a negative impact as well, like having peers around who are addicted to bad habits can even make a good student bad and eventually spoil their career and in worst scenarios can even spoil their life. Teenages are the most productive years of life and the values and habits which are inculcated at this phase of time continue throughout the lifetime.

There are basically 6 types of peer pressures: spoken, unspoken, direct, undirect, negative and positive. Now how to deal with it? Well don't worry it is not as hard as it seems to be. We at Just Ask A Teen are here to help you. Here are few tips that we feel are important:

  1. You don’t have to be that perfect person for someone else. Remember you are unique because you are the only one and there is nobody else like you. You are unique in your own way and own perspective.

  2. You must learn to say NO. Have you ever realised that you are very afraid and your body starts giving you some responses that you should not do that particular stuff. May not happen every time but it happens most of the time that you are afraid to do wrong stuff.

Trust your gut feeling and learn to say NO when you are not willing to do something.

  1. Stay positive.

  2. Prioritize your work. Learn to make a schedule and keep a check on your activities to analyse the time you wasted and the time you were most productive.

  3. Share your confusions to your parents.

  4. Make good friends to stay positive. You may find it difficult to share everything with your parents. Having a good friend is always a perk in making big decisions.

  5. Listen to everyone but make the final decision yourself.

  6. Avoid places and situations that make you feel awkward and uncomfortable.

  7. Try maintaining a journal. It's very well said by someone that Books are man’s best and quietest friend. Even if nobody is not listening to you, believe me, your journal will definitely listen. Also you will be honest to yourself and the book won't tell anyone anything.

  8. Liberate yourself from negative people and let them be free.Surround yourself always with positive people.

  9. Keep yourself hydrated and eat healthy food because our thoughts are a reflection of our food. So eat fresh food.

  10. Be confident. Have faith in yourself.

  11. Be patient.

  12. Keep your hobbies alive and be busy with your goals and work hard to achieve them.

  13. If you still feel unmotivated and not able to cope with stress consult someone trusted elderly or a professional.

Most importantly stay happy, healthy and keep smiling !

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