Childhood Friend

""Hey! SO my childhood best friend and I had many romantic interactions and gestures early last year continuing to the time of quarantine. Like we held hands, he bought me my favorite food, we will hug for longer than we usually do. These are things friends do for friends, but I feel attracted to him because usually we just bully each other and laugh together, but now we're really nice to each other and caring in ways that people who date would. I don't want to blow his actions out of proportion and scare him away. We never really talked about these things, we just do them and then act mean again. It's like an off and on like a switch. It's driving me crazy because now I rarely see him or talk to him anymore because of Covid. And I miss him even more. I read all these articles that be like 10 signs to know if he likes you, etc. and took some seventeen quizzes, but virtually got nowhere. Help!!!!""

Girl I feel you! Its really hard to tell if a guy likes, especially when your interested in a guy. When you like a guy, you see all the "signs" because you want that person to like you back. However, I want to focus on the relationship, childhood friends are irreplaceable because you had the rare opportunity to stay in contact with a person you grew up with. Covid-19 had made it difficult to communicate with some of our friends, but there are a lot of options to stay in contact with your special someone. Try to set aside some time each week or day (if possible) and update each other on things that are going on in your lives.

Missing friends is totally normal and you're not the only one. I remember my childhood girl best friend moved when I was in 5th grade and I was heartbroken. But she comes and visits twice a year and its like no time has gone by because we stay in contact! I miss a lot of my friends right now because of Covid, but I know that some day we'll come out and get to embrace each other :). I hope this helps and keep me posted on your journey. If you need any more follow-up advice you know where to find me ;)!

Much love,


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