Body Neutrality

By Mae Ermac (Writer)

We all had our fair share of insecurities about our body, that is why for the past few years we have been obsessed with the term “body positivity.” It is a social movement that aims to empower people regardless of their physical weight or size, while also challenging how society presents and views the physical body. Our society has set high-standards of beauty that if you don’t fit in, you will be less likely to be accepted.

That is where body neutrality comes in. Body neutrality is a body image movement that doesn't focus on your appearance. It is rooted in acknowledging what your body does, not how it appears. Your body allows you to exercise, travel the world and experience new cultures. Your body gives you the ability to hold hands or hug someone you love. In short, We do not have to force ourselves to like how we look; rather, we must be grateful for what our bodies provide for us.

How can you start practicing body neutrality?

Ever felt absolutely sick of thinking or talking about your body? These tips can help you become more body neutral.

Drop body talk from your conversations

This includes body talk you have with yourself. For example, instead of berating yourself when your jeans feel a little tight, you might simply choose a pair of pants that feel comfortable and easy to move in.

Redirect conversations

If friends or loved ones bring up weight, size, or express discontent with their bodies, talk about how you (or they) feel, rather than how you look.

Eat the foods you want to eat

Choose whole, fresh foods that provide essential nourishment to your body, but also make sure to enjoy desserts and snacks instead of denying your cravings.

Listen to your body

Opt for fun physical activities, not ones that feel like punishment. When you feel tired and drained, don’t give yourself a hard time for taking it easy.

Acknowledge and Reframe body-hating thoughts

When you notice yourself criticizing your body, consider instead what it’s doing for you at the moment. Focus on its strength and ability to heal, to move, to adapt.

Give it time

It takes time to shift from a habit of negativity, or false positivity, to a more neutral midpoint.

Try to have patience as you embrace neutrality. It’s often an uphill battle as media and advertising push you entirely in the opposite direction.


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