Being A Teenager During A Pandemic

By Charlize G (Writer)

Once in a while we hear the saying “enjoy your years as a teenager, its the best years of life where you bloom into a new person and you discover new things”. Now that I’m a teenager during the pandemic, what do I feel about it? This article will discuss the downs of being a teenager during the pandemic and optimistic ways on how to enjoy your years as a teenager while being in a pandemic..

Online school is something new that we were all introduced to. We had a certain amount of time before we had to adjust to it. We weren’t aware of the new policies and rules. Some of us succeeded in it while some of us weren’t doing well. Its hard to learn through a screen but luckily we have resources online which made us understand the topics more. However, most of us didn’t have the motivation to do tasks because it feels like everyday is repeating so there were times where we had missing assignments. Everyday didn’t go as planned with internet issues or may it be personal issues but as time went by the realization and satisfaction of making it makes up for it. Build a good support system with family and friends, not only through people but it can be your pets, things that make you happy like your hobbies and having a growth mindset.

During the pandemic, the common emotions that people were experiencing are fear, sadness,hopelessness.Feeling depressed and anxious may be signs that you need a support system with friends and family members .Its also normal to not know how to describe what you’re feeling or there are times where you try to hide what you’re feeling.There are different ways to express your emotions through talking to someone or even journaling. Our daily routine may also be affecting our emotions, with not being able to go out or see friends.Most of the time you’re alone with your phone. You can change this by changing your daily routine even through small things such as taking a walk or exercising. Spending some time with yourself may also trigger new problems. When you’re a teenager this is usually the time you’re discovering yourself and knowing how to be independent. Another tip could be using your phone less. Know that it is normal to feel this way because it is a big change.

With quarantine and social distancing your social life and interests can be expanded in a limited way. There was no way to hangout with people or meet new people, only through the internet. With exploring hobbies and interests too, there are people who were stuck at home for a year or maybe even more or less. Your creativity or mindset won’t do well if you can’t explore yourself which is why a lot of people during this pandemic has just stayed quiet and hasn’t discovered anything about themselves. However since people are at home you can talk to friends online or use this time as a way to reflect on yourself and find hobbies that you can do at home like baking, reading ,painting, etc. You don't have to focus on your social life all the time, just keep your circle close or even possibly have yourself, check in on others or yourself. Know how to keep yourself interested and focus on your well-being.

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