"Just A Kiss (Muah)" by Enisa is a song about a woman who is not interested in a serious or committed relationship with a man and is only looking for a temporary fling. She acknowledges the man's interest in her, but makes it clear that she will not wait for him nor change her mind about their casual relationship. The "mwah" at the end of the chorus and throughout the song represents the superficial and insincere nature of the kisses she gives to him. The lyrics convey that she is not emotionally invested in the relationship and is simply playing with the man's emotions for her own pleasure. Enisa's lyrics suggest that some people may use others for short term satisfaction and are uninterested in deeper connections. Overall, the song portrays the idea that some people may not have intentions of engaging in long-term relationships and instead prefer simple or temporary flings.

Brooklyn-based songstress Enisa has shared an in-studio performance of her latest single "Just a Kiss (Muah)". The in-studio performance comes just on the heels of the release of the lively, cheerful official visual that accompanied the single.

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Maybe a way to manage the klutzy is to simply go first. Become the hello-er who leans in for one (not two) cheek-grazing-muah-sounding kiss. That, I can do as good as a handshake. I may suck at sucking face (cheek), but by my troth, I kiss thee with a most constant heart.

When I moved to NY four years ago, I was shocked by this new greeting: the kiss on the cheek. Was I supposed to greet everyone this way? Only people I knew well? How well?

Men? Women? Children? But over time I figured out the basic rules.

Cheek kissing, air kissing, and smooching sounds abound but the character of Agustina is in a league of her own. She would rapid fire four to five very loud kisses to one cheek before settling for one or two quickies on cheek number two.

* You want a variety of different lip prints so experiment with open and closed-mouth kisses! When your lips run dry, just reapply your lipstick right over the last and start kissing again. I alternated red then pink, red then pink just reapplying over the last color.

Scott traces the kiss back to a peasant custom that was adopted by elites once lower classes began migrating into cities, suggesting that travelers are more likely to encounter kiss greetings in rural towns and villages than their metropolitan counterparts.

Gender dynamics are also an important consideration. In Europe and Latin America, kiss greetings between two women, and between a man and a woman, are widely accepted. A kiss between two men, though more rare, does occur in places like Argentina, Serbia, and Southern Italy. As one might expect, male/female kisses are frowned upon in regions with more conservative religious values, whereas a kiss greeting between men may be welcomed. 17dc91bb1f

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