Juntong Chen

Email: juntong.chen(at)utwente.nl

Drienerlolaan 5

7522 NB Enschede

The Netherlands

About me

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Twente, working with Johannes Schmidt-Hieber. Prior to this, I completed my Ph.D. studies at the University of Luxembourg under the supervision of Yannick Baraud in 2023 and spent 5.5 months working as a postdoctoral researcher there. 

Before that, I participated in the Erasmus Mundus joint master program MathMods, during which I had the opportunity to study in Italy, Germany, and France. In 2014, I obtained my bachelor's degree in mathematics and applied mathematics at Xiamen University in China. 

My research mainly focuses on statistical learning theories for neural networks, robust estimation, nonparametric regression in one-parameter exponential families, and change-point detection.  Recently, I have been working on developing the statistical theory for image classification procedures with Johannes Schmidt-Hieber and Sophie Langer.

More detailed information can be found in my CV.

Upcoming activities

Publications and preprints

[1] Estimating a regression function in exponential families by model selection. Published in Bernoulli, 30(2), 1669–1693.

[2] Robust estimation of a regression function in exponential families. (with Y. Baraud).  Published in J. Stat. Plan. Inference, 233, 106167.

[3] Estimator selection for regression functions in exponential families with application to change point detection. 

[4] Robust nonparametric regression based on deep ReLU neural networks. Published in J. Stat. Plan. Inference, 233, 106182.

[5] Robust estimation in exponential families: from theory to practice. (Ph.D. dissertation, winner of the 2023 Excellent Thesis Award of the University of Luxembourg) 

[6] A statistical analysis of an image classification problem. (With Sophie Langer and Johannes Schmidt-Hieber). Upcoming.


*: invited talk


Statistical Techniques for TCS/BIT - University of Twente

Analysis for Applications I - University of Luxembourg

Math Forge - University of Luxembourg