Junling Long

My name is Junling Long. My research is based on the system of superconducting quantum circuits.

Email: Junling.Long@colorado.edu or Junling.Long@outlook.com

Ph.D., Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, CO, USA, 2014/08-2020/06. Advisor: Prof. David P. Pappas.

B. S., Applied Physics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, 2010/08-2014/07. Advisor: Prof. Pei Zhang

Research interests:

My research is focused on studying quantum optics and quantum computing with superconducting quantum circuits.

  • Quantum optics with superconducting quantum circuits

Quantum optics aims for understanding and controlling the interaction between electromagnetic quanta and discrete levels in a quantum system, i.e., light-matter interaction. In the system of superconducting quantum circuits (SQC), we harness microwave photons, articial atoms, and microwave cavities to study light-matter interaction. Many qunatum optics phenomena have been revisited using SQC systems, such as Fock state generation, Autler-Townes splitting, dynamical Casimir effect, vacuum squeezing and so on. In one of our recent experiements, we designed and fabricated a supercondcuting circuit with a single artificial atom dispersively coupled to a microwave cavity. We observed electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), very famous quantum optics phenomenon, in this circuit with microwave photons. EIT has been harnessed for implementing different building blocks of a quantum network, such as all-optical switches and transistors, quantum storage devices, and conditional phase shifters. Implementation of EIT in a SQC makes it possible to utilize EIT and related effects at the single-photon and single-atom level with highly scalable devices.

  • Superconducting quantum computing

The superconducting quantum circuit system has been one of the most promising candidates for building a fault-tolerant quantum computer. In recent years, the breakthroughs in both coherence time and quantum gate delity, together with the inherent scalability of superconducting qubits, are pushing superconducting quantum computers towards a size of 50 qubits. Despite this remarkable success, realizing longer coherence time and higher gate fidelity are still formidable challenges. For this research topic, I am perticularly interested in design and implementation of new type of superconducting qubits and novel two qubit gates/tunable couplers. In one of our recent experiments, we explored the ZZ interaction between two transmon qubits. We implemented a universal quantum gate set including arbitrary single qubit rotations and two qubit entangling gates. High gate fidelities of the single- and two-qubit gates are obtained using the techniques of randomized benchmarking and quantum process tomography.